Reviews from

in the past

I love role playing as someone who is less bored than I am playing the game

esse jogo mostra o quão patética a bethesda é quando se trata de inovar seus titulos, um jogo chato, desinteressante, com mundos chatos, personagens chatos, mecanicas chatas, designs chatos. tudo nesse jogo é chato, tentei tentei e não deu, starfield é definitivamente o jogo mais chato que eu ja joguei.

Not as bad as they say, not as good as it could have been.

Most Skyrim and Fallout games released in an unfinished state, but during their times we were too blinded by their technological achievements to see it. Todd Howard must've thought that we would still be too blind to see it today, because Starfield is a lazy, unfinished and outright disrespectful entry to the industry.

Its progression is mediocre at best, the open world is fucking barren, traversal is needlessly tedious and -- on top of all of this! -- it has one of the worst stories/endings I've ever seen in a video game. There's also the poor optimisation, the plethora of bugs it launched with... the fact that some of you find something redeeming about this game astonishes me. Starfield is an objectively bad release, and to enjoy it is to draw blood from a stone.

Maybe, just maybe, Starfield will be an okay experience after its modding community has years to work on it. But the fact that we are STILL relying on such things to enjoy Bethesda games is embarrassing. We as a community should no longer tolerate such practices from AAA publishers. But I know nothing will change! Todd Howard could shit on a plate and IGN would still give it a 7/10.

If you want a decent space exploration game, try No Man's Sky, Elite Dangerous, or literally anything else. Starfield may become a decent play years from now.

I thought it was cool, but also nothing special, it's like those generic RPG games that you download for free on the internet, it's just an RPG with a lot of stuff but nothing special

Imagine playing a coherent game... Yeah, that's not Starfield.

i really liked this game idk guys

Disappointed is the best way to describe Starfield in my opinion. Everybody on this World sees things differently, but I really hoped that Bethesda would do something better than THIS. I hoped that we could get a game that isn't broken in some way.

If Bethesda fucks up Elder Scrolls 6 then Microsoft please take the wheel and make Inexile and Obsidian work on Fallout 5 instead

Es un rpg que ya desde la premisa suena imposible de llevar a cabo con éxito, y eso es lo que pasó, plantea infinitos planetas para explorar pero el 99% de ellos como es de esperar son poco interesantes, las mecánicas se sienten anticuadas para el año en que se lanzó, funciona a 30fps en consolas de nueva generación y sigue sin aportar un gameplay en tercera persona funcional (Algo tipico en juegos de bethesda) aunque mejoró respecto a entregas anteriores del estudio. La historia es olvidable y tiene personajes interesantes pero tampoco que destaquen demasiado, no hay vehículos y la exploración se hace tediosa ademas de repetitiva. También algo en particular que me frustra bastante es que te hacen explorar para encontrar criaturas acuáticas pero no hay océanos en los planetas, bueno, si los hay pero es imposible nadar en ellos, son solamente una superficie plana para que escanees de lejos.

non ci cascherò mai più Bethesda

Definitely one of the games of all time. Wide and shallow with a lot of poorly connected and boring gameplay systems. The moment-to-moment gameplay is just not fun or engaging.

Starfield é um jogo que eu peguei para jogar com expectativas baixíssimas, visto que é mais um jogo da Bethesda que recebe críticas pelos mesmos motivos de Fallout 4. O pior? Fallout 4 já tem quase 9 anos de lançamento. Starfield com certeza não é um jogo padrão 2023 e isso se mostra em vários pontos do jogo.

Infelizmente, o game design dos RPGs da Bethesda é extremamente ultrapassado, utilizando das mesmas mecânicas de Skyrim, um jogo de 2011. A gameplay é entediante, não existe motivação para explorar planetas vazios ou montar bases. O gunplay do jogo é uma clara evolução em relação a Fallout 4, mas o design pavoroso das armas, tanto visual quanto sonoro, deixam esse aspecto do gameplay tão entediante quanto a exploração. O sistema de combate de naves não é terrível, só é sub-utilizado.

Eu joguei o jogo por cerca de 8 horas de forma pura, sem nenhum mod. Após esse tempo, decidi modificar o jogo e minha experiência melhorou muito sem precisar adicionar nada discrepante no jogo. Simples mods para melhorar os posicionamentos péssimos do Hud, melhorar o desempenho, e por preferência pessoal, as legendas. (Sim, também coloquei a armadura do Din Djarin de The Mandalorian no jogo, porque eu podia). Também usei alguns mods que melhoram a iluminação do jogo e tiram alguns filtros estranhos que o jogo possui, e tive uma experiência muito mais agradável. O ponto é: Starfield é mais um jogo ultrapassado feito pela Bethesda que precisa ser consertado por Mods, e depois de jogá-lo, eu entendi porque recebeu somente uma indicação no TGA (e perdeu).

Agora que falei dos aspectos ruins, devo falar do que é realmente bom nesse jogo: A HISTÓRIA. Essa foi a minha motivação para terminar o jogo. As quests principais desse jogo são ÓTIMAS e bem variadas (exceto pelas: vá para tal planeta, mate tais caras e pegue o artefato). Em uma missão eu lidei com o submundo do crime no planeta Neon, em outra eu alternava entre versões diferentes de um mesmo lugar e precisava usar isso para superar obstáculos. No geral, as missões sao sim divertidas e te motivam a seguir em frente.

O mistério da história principal é muito intrigante e se mantém interessante até o final, que é extremamente satisfatório e leva para um pós-game MUITO mais interessante do que eu esperava. Foi incrível descobrir o segredo por trás dos artefatos junto dos membros da Constellation. Falando sobre eles, os companions desse jogo são INCRÍVEIS. Todos os membros da Constellation, até aqueles que não te acompanham durante a jornada pela galáxia, são interessantes e únicos. Foi incrível descobrir mais sobre cada um deles e ver como todos eles são EXTREMAMENTE reativos às suas ações e às mudanças que ocorrem ao longo da campanha principal. (Sarah, Andreja e Barret amores da minha vida).

Como um grande fã de Star Wars, eu adorava ver as pequenas animações dentro da nave, especialmente em primeira pessoa quando você senta no assento do piloto ou ativa um Grav Jump e seu personagem pressiona os botões do painel. Meus olhos brilharam na primeira vez que vi.

Starfield pode até ser um jogo decepcionante ao olhar o gameplay, mas por trás disso existe uma história incrível esperando e para mim valeu muito a pena ir atrás desse mistério.

It's not that Starfield is terrible, it's that it's a step back from every Bethesda game in almost all facets.

Where do we begin? How about base building? -- Introduced in Fallout 4, base building offered a pretty rewarding experience by allowing us to construct outposts and populate them with NPCs. Starfield's iteration feels like a significant regression. The system is not only buggier and more restrictive, but the incentives for engaging in outpost construction are minimal at best. The generic characters, like "Outpost Manager" and "Mining Captain," lack purpose, and the limited capacity for settlers further detracts from the experience. This aspect of the game feels like cut content -- unfinished and underwhelming. Additionally, the introduction of ship building, while cool on paper, fails to compensate for the base building's deficiencies; specific bays like the med bay are damn near non-functional, unable to produce medicines or offer healing services, lol.

Starfield's approach to faction quests is perhaps one of its most glaring and egregious missteps. A collection of series of faction quests that feel short and superficial, reminiscent of a "theme park haunted house" where players move through set pieces only to exit feeling underwhelmed. The ability to join conflicting factions without significant repercussions dilutes the impact of choice -- these decisions become weightless. The quests themselves feeling like mere box-ticking exercises.

Starfield's companions continue the tradition of FO4, which is to say, generic and forgettable as a whole. The game also restricts major companions to a single faction and homogenizes their moral compasses, leading to predictable interactions and a lack of genuine connection. Notable companions like Sam and Sara are burdened with unengaging personal narratives and repetitive dialogues; they just can't shut up.

Exploration -- something key of Bethesda's titles -- feels lackluster in Starfield, particularly when set against the backdrop of an expansive universe. It is completely broken up behind dozens of load screens and vast spaces of nothing, instead of one, mostly continuous, experience of previous games.

Progression systems. The skill trees have become overly simplified and laden with uninspired percentage-based upgrades, hiding some basic game features behind skill points (a terrible Ubisoft practice of game design).

Jogo é bom, não num nível skyrim mas bom, me esforcei para continuar jogando sua história, mas por alguns fatores acabei flopando, muito dificilmente eu vá um dia pegar para jogar novamente por cansaço do jogo. fiz 7 horas de gamplay

So aggressively average and shallow it fucking hurts. Nothing exceptional to cling onto at all, Bethesda please go back to deeper rpg experiences.

i actually got motion sick during the spaceship flying and never touched this shit again LMAO

Embora eu ame a bethesda e skyrim seja meu jogo favorito, me sentir jogando um jogo de 2010 é uma sensação horrivel, parece mal polido e com muito menos conteúdo do que o próprio skyrim

i hate bethesda games, but even with my bias, this is the worst and most boring one right? like yesss girl give us nothing!!

Um skyrim espacial, não é a pior coisa do mundo que nem a maioria diz, afinal tem side quests muito boas que a Bethesda faz muito bem... Mas bem que deveriam evoluir em umas coisas.

Skyrim no espaço, ao mesmo tempo que melhora também piora

At the time the game came out, it was pretty much all I needed. I was going through tough times and this game provided me with comfort that no other game ever gave me. It fulfilled some of my fantasies as a space nerd, and it gave me so much fun.

I do think the game has glaring issues. Loading screens are very frequent and break the pacing, the game tries to be both a space exploration game and a usual Bethesda RPG and I think it somewhat fails in both. Though I do think it is a very fun "space adventure" game, where you can be a lot of things in this more grounded space setting.

Wanna be a corporate spy? A ranger investigating a conspiracy? A member of the navy uncovering old secrets? You can be that and a lot more, and these faction quests are just a lot of fun to me.

If I were to rate this game more objectively, I'd give it a 3/5, but tbh the experience I had with the game when it came out was just unforgettable, to the point it became my favorite game ever (even if I've played objectively better games)

It's such a shame that a decent game like Starfield has the worst beginning to a game possible. Multiple times during the first 20 hours I wanted to give up, but I'd just spent like 40 quid on this so I was going to finish it. At about hour 15 I started seeing signs of improvement, and then at hour 20 I felt like the whole world had opened up and everything finally made sense.

Past the 1 day trawl, Starfield offers a unique game with some incredible moments. The story is pretty good and the characters are well thought out. Combat is satisfying, but very easy. The different dialogue systems are amusing (always a highlight for me personally) and actually have an effect on the world around you. The different cities in the game are a huge highlight for me as they stand out as some of the most memorable and atmospheric from the last few Bethesda titles. Even the spaceship combat is fun once you get your head around the controls

Starfield got a lot of hate, and it probably deserved it. But if you're a true Bethesda fan, you'll stick it out and realise that this game is at least a bit better than it was first made out to be - but AS IF I'm going to new game+ this one, nooope

Edit: Remembered the fast travelling and lowered my rating by half a star. Absolutely shocking choice on the devs part, feels like they didn't play their own game

Mid as it can be
First 10 Hours are great

jogo de nicho vendido como jogo de publico geral, não é surpresa acontecer oque aconteceu.(além de ser um jogo da bethesda)

o jogo é muito bom mas vc tem que dar 10 hrs pra ele te pegar, começa muito lento e com muita informação que cansa o player mas dps disso ele engata legal mas n tem nada inovador tb

Mid, boring and unteresting. But has some cool moments and is made by my favorite company.
I hope modders fix it.