Reviews from

in the past

J'crois bien que y a une ou deux incohérences avec l'histoire de la boucle temporelle, mais j'ai bien aimé l'ambiance.

A fun game that has a good premise but can be frustrating with the amount of trial and error

Good idea
But shit presentation

Non c’ho voglia di star lì a clickare tutto e ripartire da zero

The fact that Willem Dafoe had to interact with a game as shitty as this makes me sick to the stomach

Quando você tem a mecânica de voltar no tempo, é importante ter em mente que há uma grande chance de ficar repetitivo, o que acontece na maior parte da experiência desse jogo, jogando fora um elenco de estrelas por uma jogabilidade que, com o tempo, tenta te surpreender com descobertas, mas você fica pensando: "é só isso?". N vou mentir q realmente o plot mexeu muito com a minha cabeça

An all-star cast for an 'eh' execution of an idea.

Segunda chance que dou ao jogo e sei lá, acredito que seja mais divertido de Assistir alguém jogando do que jogar em si, só acho que ele fica meio chato depois de um tempo

I was always intrigued to try this game after seeing the launch trailers years ago but I completely forgot about it until I saw it on sale on steam today and thought id finally give it a shot.

Twelve minutes revolves around a man stuck in a time loop where a cop comes to his house and kills him and his wife every twelve minutes as per the title. There is a deeper story to unfold and each loop has you searching for more clues to discover the quite frankly strange twist in the end. Im a sucker for a good murder mystery plot and pairing that with a time loop works quite well in execution. I think that the twist in the end is shocking but was a very weird way for the developers to go with it when they could of removed "That part" and made it work regardless.

I expected this to be a small indie game but was really shocked to see James MacAvoy, Daisy Ridley and Willem Defoe were voicing the main characters. MacAvoy and Ridley are putting on accents and I would of never guessed it was them if the game hadn't told me but you can recognise Willem Defoe from a mile off, but as always he gives a very good performance with the limited dialogue. As do MacAvoy and Ridley and they have decent chemistry during their character interactions.

Its a simple point and click game style with no controls other than the mouse. I think its good that they never overcomplicated the controls as it would of felt needless. Im a big fan of the gameplay format of going into each loop with more knowledge and slowly piecing everything together.

Visually its quite lacking, its all from a top down perspective and the whole game bar a few scenes takes place in the same area so nothing crazy to work with. Nothing really to note score wise but I do quite like the theme as the credits play. Technically I noticed quite a lot of lag/frame drop but nothing game breaking by any means.

There are I believe 7 endings, three of which are very similar and the rest can only be achieved at certain parts during the game. I got two endings and might go back to get the more unique ones that dont require me to play the whole game again.

All in all Twelve Minutes is an enjoyable point and click mystery with an interesting plot and characters. Very much a one and done type of game so I would recommend when it is on sale as I wouldn't pay £20 for it.

I really loved this game, unlike other people. The ending is quite unfortunate but I don't consider it "bad" in a low-quality sense bruh... The gameplay and the idea of the game are very original and quite unique, never seen a game like this before. If I see another lower than 3 star review on this I'm gonna freak out 😡😡

It was a fun challenge but I think I remember I had to look up some stuff online. Can be really frustrating if you can't think of a way forward.

This went really weird...Like omega weird...
Started off really invested like 'Oh my god it's groundhog day but with twelve minutes!? There's so many fun things I can do! How will I get out of this? What mysteries will I uncover?' To just looking at myself in the mirror realizing I'd spent 5 hours uncovering the worlds most unsatisfying mystery.

The premis was great up until the really weird and not rewarding ending. Super confusing I really wish they tried not to go so meta but still I enjoyed it.

Great story but i felt like it required too much trial and error to complete. Especially given that the “wrong” paths were variations of the same thing I sort of wish I just watched a let’s play.

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I've decided to play this game because the creator is Portuguese, like myself.
And I cannot believe we are back at the incest plot twist we had to study back in high school.

All that hype for what?

Hearing Daisy Ridley's beautiful voice, that's what.

Zerei esse jogo em 2021 e foi uma experiência bastante esquecível. Minha única memória dele é que parece ser um jogo de navegador, e é extremamente repetitivo.

Um jogo tão fora da casinha, tem um simples objetivo que torna ele uma experiência única de escolha entre mundos

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Writers of this game didn't understand that incest is not the big twist that will hook players into a soulless story

Le concept de base était cool, mais très mal exécuté. Si on fait pas exactement ce que le jeu veut, ça ne marche pas. Et bizarre la révélation finale.

Mecânica de voltar no tempo funciona muito bem e o jogo inteiro se baseia nela, gostei bastante do jeito de como eles contam a história e fazem o jogador se sentir perdido e ir conectando as peças aos poucos.

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I did not appreciate the funny incest game

Ruim demais! 💙
Nada significou nada, e eu não ganhei nada com esse jogo... Exceto uma única track da OST. A OST do começo é banger