Reviews from

in the past

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Lit ass pussy yass cunt slay mama witchy cunt boots

proper review will be added

A great character action game that I've cooled on a little over time. There's a lot to like here, but the instant death quicktime events are pretty bad. I've never been able to completely vibe with this series because the story and setting doesn't do anything for me. It just ends up being a series of cool boss battles and levels with cutscenes in between that I absolutely do not care about.

something lgbt+ happened to me..

Cool designs, good story with funny jokes and sense of humor, and I love how Platinum Games makes the combat style of their videogames.

I think I just need to try this again at a better point in life.

Souvent imitée, jamais égalée, le mélange parfait entre érotisme, sensualité et charisme

The freedom you have in combat is so good it should be enough reason for you to try it, but on top of that it has really good music, design and animations are cool (specially for you, yes you mr. goonman). The story is decent, the characters are fun and funny, which I value a lot.

Psahtek le boule, prend mon 5 étoiles !

Explosive excitement or Dante without his big ego. Foot fetishists/10

Взрывоопасное возбуждение или Данте без своего большого самомнения. Ногифетишисты/10