Reviews from

in the past

Não sei a que a ponto a Capcom tinha de expectativa ou ganância de trazer um jogo como esse, simplesmente tudo é mau executado.

Um remake do primeiro jogo talvez traga algum sentido pra essa franquia

what a genuine fucking joke of a game, slapping "dead rising" onto its tagline just to stay inline with the rest of series is HORRIBLE, i remember being excited on announcement bc wow! frank west! hes back! i love frank in 1/off the record but JESUS FUCKING CHRIST hes absolutely terrible here, reduced to a nothing character that relies more on trashy humor more than his other personality traits. literally such a joke to have a character return with the promises of "he's better than ever!" then reducing him to a nothing ball of garbage
outside of my negatives with the genuinely horrific usage of frank, the gameplay is a nightmare and terrible, combos are exaggerated to the point of zero belief (3 exaggerated them but it made sense since Nick was a vehicle mechanic and was using anything around him to fight back - the only story related combos he gets is the Sledgesaw, which is somewhat believable) and the zombies are both hideous looking and have barely any blood, overall just a nonsensical dumpsterfire that makes zero sense.
the inventory having a gigantic area for food items... LMFAOOOO, the entire point of the earlier games was decision making for bringing weapons or food (either survivability or health with your limited space) but this boggles it down to recent nintendo levels of difficulty, genuinely just shameful
the """"""""""psychopaths""""""""" and the readdition of the True Eye cult are laughably bad, like actually i have zero idea how any of this made it past the point of conception and brainstorming bc none of it fucking works
story and characters are horrid, all of this just feels like an attempt to coddle to nostalgia and nothing more, it DOES NOT WORK and i absolutely despise this for ruining such a wonderful franchise
i really hope DR5 becomes a thing, i dont want this to be the final thing we've heard from the series AT ALL