Reviews from

in the past

I did A LOT of stuff, died and lost the entire progress because the saving system is so weird

Then I got madge and gave up. Didn't like it that much, the gameplay is too janky/sloppy for me

An incredible game despite all of the jank. I absolutely love the detailed American mall setting, the game world always marching forward regardless of what the player is doing, the multiple endings, and the non-linearity of how you plan and solve all of the various events happening. It's a really inspired game.

Zombies? More like...ded...ded-zies...I don't can't expect me to have something clever to say for all my favorite things. I just liked bashing zombies with a giant mascot servbot head

There's a world, not far from our own, where this was titled "Resident Evil: Dead Rising".

Dead Rising does to survival with the 360 as Resident Evil did to the PS1 in so many ways.

I did not expect to enjoy this nearly as much as I did. Incredible videogame

such a unique and memorable game. i love frank west