Reviews from

in the past

Uma das melhores experiências em stealth que eu já tive.Seu mundo,o qual é alterado durante a campanha de acordo como você joga,possibilita uma pluralidade de oportunidades,permitindo que o jogador jogue de acordo como ele prefere.Por fim,além de ser excepcional,possui uma sequência que o supera na maioria dos quesitos.

I am Corvo. This game is still sick as fuck. Blink is one of the greatest abilities in any game ever made. Game still holds up even after not having played it in maybe 8 years. I love everyone's big meaty grabbers, 10/10. Imagine if Deathloop was as well designed as this game (I've never played Deathloop). I'm going to have whiskey and cigars for breakfast tomorrow. Also,

Basically the first stealth game, by which I mean if you don’t do stealth the game isn’t very good.

One hell of a game. Do yourself a favor and try it out.

Lo jugue hace mucho pero lo recuerdo como un juego de notable bajo.

Whenever I play a Stealth game, I try not to kill anyone, or kill as little as possible, it's like an internal challenge of mine, and seeing that in this game you can literally not kill anyone and that CHANGES THINGS IN THE WORLD, I found it incredible , it's a game that captivated me from start to finish, because the game is relatively short, it presents you with mechanics at all times, the story is incredible, that's it.

One of the best inmersive sim. Sad that is a niche genre.

Arkane como vc pode ter de caído tanto em comparação a essa obra prima

this is THE stealth game.
ive replayed this so many times and i still continue to find routes into buildings, different areas and whatnot.
only 2 endings, still manages to feel like there are hundreds of outcomes
amazing combat or non-combat depending on playstyle