Reviews from

in the past

A high school staple. This is Ubisoft at their peak, when they first designed their open-world formula but before this became their entire identity. The gameplay loop of activating radio towers, taking outposts, doing a main quest, rinse & repeat is perfect "no thoughts head empty" gaming for folks who just want to relax while they deliver headshots. The Apocalypse Now/Heart of Darkness-inspired story is surprisingly effective even now, even as the dudebro main character and his buddies come off as more and more corny with the passing years. Modern Far Cry at its best.

far cry 3 dick riders is insane this game is absolute ass with hair

"Do you know the definition of insanity?"
The best Far Cry of the series

El mejor de la saga sin miedo a equivocarme. Todo el arco de Jason con los salvaje y su dualidad con Vaas es canelita en rama

This review contains spoilers

loved it so much, but i didn't like how the story ended, it was very stupid of the protagonist(i played it like 2 years ago i forgot his name) to just throw his friends when he literally played through the whole game to save like WHAT? but still a good game

"Insanity is doing the exact... same fucking thing... over and over again expecting... shit to change... "
Ubisoft proceeds to make 348 copies of each of their game franchises

Eu amo esse jogo e odeio essa fórmula. MORRA UBISOFT.

Uno dei pochi giochi ubi$oft che si salva.

"Eu já te contei qual é a definição da insanidade?"
Que obra prima esse jogo meus amigos, com um dos melhores vilões da história dos videogames, um história excelente, ótimos gráficos, uma jogabilidade viciante e um lindo mundo aberto, extremamente vivo. FarCry 3 é o ápice da franquia, trazendo inúmeros momentos extremamente marcantes e sendo muito divertido, com um enorme arsenal de armas e formas de destroçar seus inimigos. Tanto que até hoje os outros FC tentam copiar a fórmula e magia que esse jogo possuí, sem sucesso. Até o modo coop dele era divertido de jogar, com boas mecânicas e até com uma história bacana.
Veredito: Um dos melhores jogos da geração do PS3, brilhando em inúmeros elementos, desde seus gráficos, história, personagens e até mesmo em sua gameplay e mundo aberto. Um jogo obrigatório para fãs de videogame.

The best Far Cry game.

Far Cry 3 is a wild ride from start to finish! The island setting is gorgeous, and Vaas is one of the best video game villains ever. Taking over outposts feels awesome, and there's always something to do – hunting, side missions, or just exploring. The story gets a bit bonkers towards the end, and driving can be frustrating, but overall, it's a blast to play and offers a ton of freedom.