Reviews from

in the past

Found it a little nauseating & hard to focus / target enemies.

Level design: 10\10;
Gráfico: 10\10;
Gameplay: 10\10;
Diversificação: 9\10;
Trilha: 9\10;
História: 9\10;
Fator replay: ?\10;
Motivo de não zerar: Sei lá, deu uma enjoada, mas o jogo é bom, um dia eu zero.

Couldn't go past first guard.
Dropped the game.

Uma boa história, porem alguns bugs me deixaram desanimados, como algumas Hitboxes simplesmente inacreditaveis, algumas atravessadas de paredes, porem uma boa gameplay que faz com que o jogo não seja considerado ruim pela minha parte, uma boss fight diferenciada e que me chamou atenção e otimos gráficos, ponto forte deste jogo. 6/10

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Okay this time i actually sat down and finished the game and it’s great. The combat is fast and has new mechanics to keep you engaged. If you die you can just immediately start again from a checkpoint which is a nice break from the usual Dark Souls runbacks, and the game is very generous with checkpoints too.

Only minuses are that the game is pretty short, has some kinda weird animations and bad voice acting at times, and that the bosses are a little lackluster.

But overall it’s great and i can’t wait to play the sequel.