Reviews from

in the past

O jogo no trilogy é bugado que só a porra, mas é um jogasso, um dos maiores de historia, talvez um dos maiores mundo aberto da historia em questao de importancia, ele pra sua epoca era o auge do mendo aberto e vale muito apena jogar

Eu particularmente nunca gostei tanto desse jogo, ele não foi tão legal na época, e nem depois quando tentei novamente, até tinha umas mecanicas legais, mas o jogo parece que foi feito com má vontade, foi lançado no mesmo ano que Silent hill 2, DMC, Halo, e não parece ter sido feito no mesmo ano, de tão antiquado que parece.

This was a strong candidate to 4.5 stars until i played the paramedic missions and it opened my eyes to some of the worst vehicle physics of any videogame i ever played. Even on the XBOX version with analog triggers it's impossible.
Still my favorite GTA in terms of map design, aesthetics and setting though.

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Great precursor to the GTA games I know and love. I loved the funny radio stations, the health an shields being floating pickups was nostalgic, the varied missions from escort missions to kill missions, to races, to robbery. The Italian mob story was cool but then there's a twist and then your working for Yakuza. The old graphics reminded me of being a kid and the simple controls too. There were some janky parts due to the age of the game and I got hung up on the last mission to fight through many enemies with low health after being ambushed. Finally shooting down that chopper and watching credits rolls was great though! I loved the cars, the city, the weapons, the boats, the payphones! I hated the sound of the damn drawbridge, the inaccurate shooting, and the old control scheme. Other than that though this was awesome!