Reviews from

in the past

MEU PARCEIRO, você é criança que cresceu com filmes da Disney e do nada vê uma criança com o Pateta e o Donald se aventurando em DIVERSOS mundos das franquias que viu crescendo ? Um misto perfeito pra quem é fã de Final Fantasy e Disney. Amo ter na memória cada segundo que passei jogando ele.

la trama qui era semplice e capibile. poi con i giochi dopo hanno cominciato a far casino. il gameplay sente il peso degli anni ma resta un gran bel gioco.

It's the classic game alright. Only big issue I have is the impossibility to skip cutscenes, especially for speedruns.

Lo jugue hace un año y no me acuerdo de nada pero se que me gusto mucho 10/10

I played this on PlayStation 4. I love the Kingdom Hearts series. Very charming.

Was my favorite as a child, most sensible plot in the series and still a little magical to this day.

The combat is fun and the overworld is riddled with interesting secrets but the platforming? My god
Still, it's a classic and I can appreciate the game for it

Tää eka oli vähä takkura kyl josai kohdin mut oli kyl silti wortti ja hauska seikkailu

Kingdom hearts is a decent game for the first of an iconic series. The story was cool even though half of it was Disney filler but even the filler was nice. It played nicely and I didn't have too many problems with the combat (most of combat issues was just my skill issue) the one thing I absolutely despised about the game though was the fucking GAME DESIGN. Ever since I did tarzans world I knew that I needed a playthrough guide to atleast get me through the game because I'd probably end up running through circles for hours trying to figure out what I actually have to do next. But other than that, good game. And one last note, next to advent children clouds kh design is his best.

I really didn't expect to like this when my friend recommended it. For the first like 8 hours I was still playing it for them, but after that I really started to find the groove and got a lot of fun from it. I'm going to play the second one, but I do not know when because this one took me a month to get through.

Honestly one of the worst games I've ever played.