Reviews from

in the past

this had a mass effect on my sexuality, i can only get hard for sexy blue aliens

My favorite game series ever. First part was too repetitive and grindy, but the universe is simply amazing and unforgettable.

Janky and dated but an incredible introduction to the great universe of mass effect

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Já havia zerado antes desta data, dessa vez explorando todos os planetas, sendo Full Paragon, escolhi salvar Ashley. Uma obra prima, sem dúvidas um dos jogos da minha vida.

The game feels dated - the combat is clunky, the RPG elements are weak, and there are numerous technical bugs (even in the legendary edition). But the story and fictional world are compelling; there really aren't that many interesting sci-fi games. Despite the game's issues, it's still worth playing through.

Um marco para fãs do Sci-Fi. Ele consegue passar da melhor forma possível a sensação de estar em uma tripulação "ALA" Star Trek. Onde você se apega a todos os personagens e fica completamente imerso nesse universo.

Как уже понятно, я фанатка игр BioWare. После Dragon age, эта игра была всегда моей второй любовью. Боевая система не идеальна, но я прошла игру много раз, на сложности "безумие", так что для реального фаната это не проблема.

Минус однотипные локации (но для игры 2009 года я могу простить)

Самый большой плюс, слаженная история которая продолжается в следующих частях, где ты понимаешь что твои выборы на самом деле имели какое-то значение, и повлияли на мир.

What a great game. Replaying this trilogy it's already been a pleasure.

Pretty stiff game even for 2007, but I loved the scope of the story and the promise of greater things to come (which I haven’t played yet).

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Checkpoints are way too far apart

I know I'm beating a dead horse but the Mako really does suck to drive

Biotic abilities are dope

Why is there no way to skip certain dialogue cutscenes? In the first Saren fight on Virmire I lost, now I respawn and have to redo the entire cutscene every time? I'm having Elden Ring flashbacks except this is 10,000 times worse than that. There should be an autosave at the beginning of the boss fight, and if not that, at least the option of saving. There's literally nothing you can do except have the same dialogue every single time if you lose the fight.Like I have to kill all the enemies before Saren spawns, then do an unskippable dialogue cutscene with Saren that lasts several minutes, and then if I lose do that all again every single time? Why???

That being said, the narrative is really good. However, the dialogue choices are mediocre at best. Also, why does my character not say what dialogue selection I make? Sometimes I make a selection and Shep will just say something completely different, the game is really cool about having it so that the choices that you do make matter and they carry on to future games

Some of the cutscenes are legit movie tier

A mostly playable episode of Star Trek