Reviews from

in the past

snake make love with me , don't you love women?

good game but has aged. feels good for a ps1 game

Meu primeiro jogo do Kojima, e tudo que falaram é verdade, o homem é bom. O jogo tem uma história muito boa que realmente me cativou, cheia de reviravoltas e parece até um pouco a estrutura de um filme.

É um jogo extremamente interativo, quebra a quarta parede toda hora, o que é muito legal e extremamente avançado para a época. Lembro de escutar gente falando sobre o Psycho Mantis lendo seu save desde os meus 7 anos de idade.

A IA me impressionou. Eles são muito espertos para a época e até para hoje. Se você se encurrala em algum lugar que não tem saída, eles não vão atrás de você; eles jogam uma granada e esperam você sair. Isso é mais inteligente que muito jogo stealth que já joguei (Hitman e AC).

O level design é muito funcional, com fases lindas e cada parte muito diferente uma da outra. A câmera em primeira pessoa foi uma sacada muito boa afim de evitar problemas com a câmera e funciona perfeitamente bem.

O Kojima, em entrevista, disse: "I've got backstories for these characters that cover their whole lives, from the moment they were born to their current situation, but probably only 1/3 of that will make it into the game." É notável o quão gênio esse cara é. Embora tenha alguns furos bem óbvios de roteiro, a história é muito bem amarrada. Todos os personagens têm uma história que não é apenas jogada na sua cara; ela é contada de maneira natural ao decorrer da campanha.

Em geral, é um jogão, envelheceu como vinho. Tem alguns problemas de jogabilidade, mas é um jogo de 1998, então temos que dar um desconto.

"Humans can choose the type of life they want to live."

This is one of the few games released before 2000 that still holds up well. the gameplay is fun and, while simple by today's standards and the gameplay of future entries in the series, is really fun. so detailed for a ps1 game and the voice acting is some of the best in the series. There isn't a single badly or goofily voiced line like would happen with many of the later games, and it feels grounded in comparison to the other games too. every twist and turn is exiting and mind boggling without being hard to follow like the later games in the series could be. I do prefer the other metal gear solid games, but this is still bloody incredible, especially for a game released in 98'.

pacing perfeito, storytelling impecável, personagens cativantes e história envolvente, minha única crítica: boss fights, apenas a do psycho mantis é de fato boa, e a do raven é no máximo maneirinha

It was perfect. Perfect. Everything, down to the last minute details.

I think it's really cinematic and revolutionary for it's time but regularly I felt like game backtracking me for no reason. Like I couldn't believe that I need to go back this far, so I would try to find another way - therefore waste even more time. boss fights are the best part of gameplay, they're actually pretty well balanced and don't take a lot of time

Great game ...still hold Up pretty will to this day ...doing yourself favor and play it on Emulator because the New Ports are terrible

a bit of a controversial opinion but this game is pretty fucking good. I'm excited to see how this series goes from something as brilliant as this to a zombie survival game (thanks Konami!)

I played this game a back in 2022 for the first time and was utterly baffled at its quality. It controlled and played better than almost every single game that I'd ever played in my life. The fact that a game that came out before I was born AND was good enough to leave me constantly in awe of its quality should speak volumes. Rarely do I go back and play a game THIS old and enjoy it THIS much. Even on replays the game just works.

Sure there are some segments I don't love like controlling the missiles through hallways or the insanely long tower climb full of enemies, but god damn if this isn't one of the best games I've ever played.

I never played this game when it first came out, so maybe I'm biased against it, but this really does not seem like a very good game. Only being able to shoot a gun in third person is awful. It doesn't seem like all that much happens in this game.

I spent more time on the demo for this game than I spent on most games.

ok i can really appreciate and see why this game is being praised the way it is.
but damn. this game did not age well in terms of gameplay. i get that it is an oldschool playstation game and all that but the bosses were a huge pain in the ass. the communication with the player is almost kinda not there, giving me no option but to have a walkthrough open for kind of every little thing this game asks of me.
my favorite parts of this game, which really showed me why and how its possible for this game to still have that huge impact on the community were the cutscenes. the characters, the dialogue and the absolutely charming and amazing wallbreaks this game had to offer as one of the first of this kind. other than that this is pure hell to sit through at times and i really suggest just watching a video or something for the story here. maybe even a longplay of an experienced player because some codec conversations even bring a lot of character to the game.
the last fight against liquid also could have just been a cutscene. ive had enough of these terrible fights at this point, metal gear rex being incredibly bad towards the end and almost making me forget that every other boss before that was almost as bad.

Easily one of the best games ever made, and a landmark achievement that moved the entire industry forward in terms of cinematic storytelling and unique intuitive mechanics.

This franchise will be my favorite for ever. The first time I finished MGS back on the original PlayStation It blew my mind, it was the first time I could see that video games could be much more than just interactive software for entertainment.

Uno dei giochi della mia infanzia.

Has some pretty severe flaws (particularly with the padding in the latter half) but really enjoyed this. The stealth segments are surprisingly limited and easy with a silenced pistol effective in all but one room, but are really fun. It gets obfuscated by how much people talk about the wacky convoluted thriller stuff but it really is sweet and humanistic in the end.

I want to love this more but the gameplay really gets in the way of my enjoyment. The story and characters are incredible though.

Its like watching a fucking movie.Cinematic cutscenes,dialogues and a great story makes it worth playing even in 2024.Yeah the gameplay shows its age,it is a 1998 game after all.However,i must say each and every boss fight was unique and super fun to beat.
solid 9/10 (no pun intended)

I mean the word classic doesn’t even begin to cut it, because classic implies old but good but I’m confident if this came out today it would be still win all the awards. One of my favourite playthroughs ever really.

It has the feel of one of those arcade games that you literally never want to end and it doesn’t, it has a fantastic story but what makes the story so good is the boss fights which are easily the most captivating part of this game, I mean they’re all so different and use all different styles of play and feel so fulfilling to win.

I love things like the codec system and radar because it’s actually plausible for a soldier, instead of having a waypoint that lazily tells you where to go or you have to search up how to win a boss fight, you talk to your chief and listen and use your head and you can succeed.

I think the one only problem with this game is the fact the shooting is a little dated and sometimes not perfect, and the only other reason it gets 4 stars is because I’m pretty confident that 2 and 3 are better games, but for a game that came out 26 years ago it doesn’t get much better than this.

So after finishing all other 3D kojima-led metal gear titles(and MGR), it's safe to say this one was the weakest due to how poorly some of its rough edges aged. It's kind of a natural sort of aging, it's unlikely for a game like this to stay fresh but it definitely is important for its context in the series and putting the first brick into what it would become. in a sense it's a redux of mg and mg2, but elevates nearly every aspect of it and frames it like a film, a mainstay for its series and relatively uncommon. It has some great and terrible writing, and extremely awkward performance. However, it's still engaging and set me up to really enjoy the rest of them. If I had played this and it hadnt gripped me, theres no way that I wouldve dropped into the others. It's... pretty good.

Envelheceu surpreendentemente bem, com exceção de alguns controles. A história é fenomenal e tem plot twists que realmente são inesperados. Mecânicas muito criativas e possui sistemas interessantes pra época. O nascimento de uma lenda (a série solid plmrd)