Reviews from

in the past

Years after first playing Hollow Knight, I fell in love with the metroidvania genre and decided to give the Metroid series a chance.
Let's just say i'm very normal about metroid now !!! (lie !!!!!)

I didnt really know what to expect coming into this game. It was my first metroidvania game i have ever played and I loved every bit of it. The EMMI sequences were genuinely terrifying the first time I played this and the ending run was so sick

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This game made me pickup metroid as a franchise and the raven boss is pretty awesome.

Eu não consigo descrever em palavras esse game. Uma carta de amor para os fãs. A gameplay continua excelente, o feeling do jogo é muito bom. Os mapas são muito bons, o que mais gostei foi o de Ghavoran, um fucking ecossistema de seres vivos (literalmente uma floresta). Amei ter jogado e zerado esse game. Espero jogá-lo novamente depois. Meu game favorito da série Metroid.

La fin est quand même légèrement rushée ! Bon c'est tout, en vrai le jeu est incroyable

super awesome return to form for Metroid, really loved the horror vibe they went for

A new entry in the 2D Metroid universe. At the cost of some very bad practices from the company... The game is amazing. I won't tolerate it again, first and last warning.

Why hasn't everyone on earth played this game?