Reviews from

in the past

Pretty awesome addition to the series and was pleasantly surprised at how quickly the game throws you into questing and the hub area.


Jogaço, história principal é bem curtinha, mas no geral diverte bastante.

A really addicting arcade style game. Something really fun and easy to understand with a lot of deeper elements!

Excellent game which stangely has a lot of problems. Bad hitboxes, weird gameplay elements, unnecesary, or straight up boring mechanics, and the fact that this game is severely limited by the Switch platform, is pretty much carried by the beautiful enviroments, excellent monster design, and my brain going "awooga" everytime i hit a 2000 bonk hit on greatsword.

It just runs so BUTTERY SMOOTH with near-instant load times between quests and village areas, plus a lot of new neat mechanics to slice and dice lots of new monsters.

Also, cats and dogs for companions, can't go wrong there.

Level design: 10\10;
Gráfico: 10\10;
Gameplay: 10\10;
Diversificação: 10\10;
Trilha: 10\10;
História: 10\10;
Fator replay: ?\10;
Motivo de não zerar: Não curti muito, mas o jogo é bom.

Melhorou a gameplay e movimentação do World e tem os é um dos jogo da franquia que mais tem monstros. Se for começar a jogar Monster Hunter o Rise é uma ótima escolha.

Really amazing! though it does have its flaws. Sunbreak really improves this game massively