Reviews from

in the past

I won't lie i totally F >> the whole game

Great game play, awful story to sit through.

Follow my advice and skip all dialogues.
The game is just better this way.

Визуал ВО, геймплей ВО, музыка ВО, игра просто ВО

NEVER make any sort of dialogue again.

Things I liked:

- The gameplay. Smooth and linear and quick to pick up. Card abilities and weapons are super fun and varied, especially the REDACTED card at the end. Good stuff
- The story - it's not bad! Puts some meat on the game's bones, and the voice acting is good, contrary to popular belief
- The treasure hunts. Having to run a level a little slower and solve a platforming-related puzzle, all optional but in service of acquiring the game's good ending, is a nice departure from the main game, a different flavor to cleanse the palate and rest the thumbs a bit

Things I didn't like:

- The gameplay. It's sort of... slow, sluggish, shallow, at times? When you're not actively using a card ability, it doesn't feel great -- like eating your dang vegetables when you want to be stuffing your face with sweet sugary cake the entire time. Also, the levels are entirely linear -- would've been nice to get a few open concepts with numerous viable paths thrown in there
- The story - it's not great! A bit thin for how much time it demands of you (though everything is skippable so it's not a huge deal)
- The treasure hunts. jesus fucking christ some of these gifts were annoying to get. Holy god

Get it? Get how I both like and don't like almost every facet of the game? Pretty clever, I thought.

This is such a video game-y video game and I loved it! Incredible level design and music. It's super fast-paced and infinitely replay able. Really enjoyed speed-running on the first couple of missions but didn't care once I got to the more complicated and harder levels. The worst part is easily the story and garbage writing. It was super cringe and just eventually always fast forwarded the dialogue, but still got the story. But overall though this is a high recommend from me!

yeah the dialogue is ass and you can pretty much skip it until midgame since this is where things get interesting, the gameplay is very fun and addictive though the soundtrack is completely out of this world, gotta be my favorite ost of all time fr

ass shooter, holy shit. no sauce whatsoever man, put this shit in the garbage.

Really good game with horrendous unfunny reddit dialogue, but some of the most fun and addicting gameplay I've ever experienced

Difícil tener un gameplay más gustoso, incita a dar lo mejor de ti constantemente y a mejorar tus tiempos. si quieres ser complecionista, algunos regalos son un poco coñazo de encontrar, pero por lo demás el apartado jugable es perfección.
En cuanto la historia, siempre escuché que si da cringe y que es mala y...

No realmente? porque no se toma tanto en serio a sí misma, los personajes son goofy y el dialogo opcional está hecho para ser divertido.

Y aún así, la trama sabe ser seria cuando lo necesita.

la historia sobra y lo saben, pero es divertida y está bien ejecutada.

bastante juegardo en general

learedboard put a mental block on me where i just replay the first stage over and over again until i lost interest

correr e matar bichos rápido