Reviews from

in the past

Mood Matrix is a clever idea but not really all that interesting. The investigation sections are the least terrible they've ever been though which is nice. I'm actually a pretty big fan of the 3rd case in particular

Game #139: Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Dual Destinies

I don't know why people have been saying this game's not as good as the others. I really liked it. Had a really good story, music was fantastic and new 3D artstyle was pretty good looking as well. Not as the same level as AA1, T&T, AAI2 but still better than JFA.


The real start of the two-game slide of the late Apollo Justice trilogy - after a decent first outing, the writers completely back down on making Apollo the protagonist by having three co-protagonists. After introducing Trucy as a pseudo-replacement for the Fey sisters, this game promptly disappears her from the plot. Frustratingly, it has pieces that are individually enjoyable, but it never really feels they come together into an enjoyable game.

mmmmmm monimutkast ratee, Athena on ihan hyvä hahmo caset oli ihan ok mut vika case oli iha outo lisäks simon oli hyvä syyttäjä niin idk ig se ei oo niin paha loppujelopuks