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Eu ainda tô no 4 caso mas nada me deixou tão entediado quanto investigar o caso 3 do samurai de aço, só por isso dou 4 estrelas por enquanto (o cap é mt longo, quase droppei) tirando isso até agr só alegria, cada caso sendo muito pé no chão e plausíveis onde você pode descobrir as coisas antes mesmo de serem reveladas, personagens carismáticos e principalmente os diálogos, o jogo tem uma criatividade e uma diferenciação entre os personagens, cada um tem seu jeito de falar e a personalidade deles é transparecida facilmente pelos textos, o que é um diferencial se comparar com outras visual novels em que raramente é possível saber quem está falando apenas lendo por serem textos genéricos e sem identidade, além do mais os textos são "interativos" se um personagem está falando sem parar o jogo automaticamente skipa as caixas de diálogo pra representar como é difícil entender o que o personagem fala, ou quando as palavras aparecem pausadamente, tudo nesse jogo é simples mas bem pensado e imersivo, espero que eu continue com essa visão até o fim

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Completed on DS and 3DS

Truly some of the best visual novels of all time, full of memorable likable characters and balances it's mix of funny, heartfelt and epic moments expertly it's no wonder Pheonix Wright has become so memorable even to people who dont play visual novels/adventure games. There are some obtuse solutions to progress typical from the genre but not nearly as bad as some of those early 90s point and click adventure games, and once you get into a flow state of disamantling testimony with your aquired evidence, that feeling cant be beat

To get a little more in depth:
Pheonix Wright Ace Attorney: Fits the role of an introductory game beautifully , I feel like all the cases in this game are strong with very little dragging, case 5 does go on a bit long but I feel like the DS-Exclusive gameplay elements keep you engaged (blowing into the microphone, examing 3d modeled evidence) Ema being a strong sidekick for this case and great characters also helps. I wish Mia was in the story a bit longer and case 2's villian is super lame, but this is made up for in the third game in my opinion, great game!

Justice For All: As many have stated, definitely the weakest game in the inital trilogy, cursed with two (case 1 and 3) of the worst cases in the trilogy, case 3 has the triple whammy of pretty bad characters, is pretty boring, and as immese leaps in logic even for the series standard, but enduring this case rewards you with one of the best cases in the series in Case 4 which plays out like a thriller movie, was glued to the game pretty much as soon as this case starts, case 2 is very solid as well, overall still a great game and introduces Fransiska and Pearl to the series which is a big plus

Trials and Tribulations: Easily the best of the trilogy, gives you pretty much everything you could want, a satisfying conclusion to Pheonix's and Maya's stories, pretty much all cases are bangers including the filler cases, origin cases with Mia, playable Edgeworth and a court battle against Fransiska and a great overarching villian, it may be because Ive gotten used to these games by the third one but it feels like solutions are alot easier to figure out in this one, this one really ties the games together and is worth getting through all of them just for this one

Overall: 10/10 experience beat these originally when I was younger on the DS and replayed them recently on the 3ds and they are just as good if not better then I remember

Ace Attorney is a lot of things.

It's a really experimental title, who takes a bizzarre premise and turns into one of Capcom's most recognizable franchises.

It's a collection of trials that are also murder misteries, all unnecessarily intricates that lead to some of the most unexpected twists in the history of mistery games.

It's a comedy, full of wacky character that keeps on jumping and screaming on top of each other while also making valid points in a case.

It's a tragedy, which talks about families and friends that add to go throught though life decisions for either their personal gain, or the life of others.

It's also the realization of a dream from the former creator, director Shu Takumi, who used its literal life as an inspiration for some of these character.

But Ace Attorney is also another thing: it's a classic. An entertaining and amusing classic in the Videogame industry that stands the test of time despite the technological advancements of the modern times. A title that even people that don't play videogames will be able to enjoy to the fullest.