Reviews from

in the past

3.5☆ - I watched a playthrough of this game, thought it was neat, and forgot about it. I came back to it 7 years later and actually played it co-op and I don't think I've had more fun learning a new metroidvania since Ori 2. Great art, great music, very unique gameplay, and very interesting lore.

Only done one route so far (Survivor) but damn this game is really good

the fact that i bookmarked a twitter thread about getting into Rain World, but i never consulted it after the third time i bounced off the game is all you need to know about it.

looks good though!

So beautiful, so clever, so technically proficient, so deliciously mean... but occasionally frustrating in ways that had me just wanting to be done with it by ~3/4 of the way in.
A real "I don't think I could beat this without a guide or a buddy"-type game