Reviews from

in the past

The mission of this game was gigantic, and fortunately, they achieved it, with some lows, but an overall spectacular experience.

Yoooo. I had a really good time with this one. The earlier levels felt like Evil Dead: The Game (before that was a thing). Love love LOVED the horror atmosphere. Sadly, the second half turns into an action game.

End of the game is weak, but its good other than that

O jogo é muito bom, é um Resident Evil legítimo em mecânicas e na história. Porém, o fato de ser em primeira pessoa me deixa extremamente apreensivo e não é o tipo de gameplay que eu aprecio muito. Infelizmente, isso me afastou de seu sucessor (RE: Village). Mas zerei este e gostei da experiência no geral, só não tive vontade de continuar com o próximo no mesmo estilo. Os personagens são bons e o backtrack do jogo é realmente bem feito, te obrigando a conhecer bem a Casa dos Baker para resolver os puzzles e fugir dos inimigos.

gave it a 5/5 out of respect for the first part of the game. if i'm being honest the boat part was ass but the first part was perfect. every part of this game is insanely good but most specifically the location, characters, sound design and atmosphere. inspiration from texas chainsaw massacre for a great dinner scene. by far my favourite horror game

starts as a 10/10 but as the game goes on it becomes less and less interesting

Resident Evil 7: Biohazard is a total return to form for the series, ditching the over-the-top action for pure, gut-wrenching horror. You play as a worried dude searching for his missing wife in a creepy, mold-infested plantation house. The first-person perspective makes everything super intense, and the atmosphere is seriously messed up. The puzzles can be frustrating at times, and the story is a bit weird, but if you want to be scared out of your mind, RE7 delivers.

Genuinely horrifying and emotionally gutwrenching.

My first Resident Evil game that my brother gifted me. It was good and scary and got me hooked on horror games. This game holds a special place in my heart.

Enjoyment - 8/10
Difficulty - 5/10

Resident Evil 7: Biohazard is a return to form.

Depending on who you ask, this is or isn't a Resident Evil game. While that debate and general mantra is exhausting, Resident Evil 7: Biohazard provides big spooks and a fun gameplay loop. If you have only started getting interested in the Resident Evil series, then this is a great springboard!

One of the greatest stalker enemies of all time

You gotta put some respect on this game for reviving Resident Evil and shining a positive light on the name. I remember finding the game scary on my first run through and enjoying both the pacing and story. Which all together in my eyes makes a great horror game :)

How reboots should be done

Probably the closest we're going to get to a proper survival horror game after the the original re trilogy and silent hill the first half of the game in the house is fantastic everything after that not so much

I'm not the biggest fan of the Ethan duology so far. Didn't enjoy the combat or survival horror gameplay of this one, though the first hour or so was really striking and impressive. A lot of the first half of the game was really interesting, but when the game turned into DOOM (as admittedly most classic REs do, but I had little catharthis here) I was kind of checked out

perfect up until the last two hours, which drag on and feel unnecessary. the atmosphere, boss fights, and puzzles are great.

Jamais fini, mais j'avais adoré la vibe du jeu. Cependant, sachant tout du jeu, il y a de faibles chances que j'y rejoue un jour.

I'd love to rate it higher but that ending boat section and the fact that you can't skip cutscenes really dampens the replay value.

I would say that like 90% of why I like this game is the art direction. I love grimy, slimy, sweaty, dirty ass aesthetics like this. Real Texas Chainsaw Massacre vibes with this game’s visuals. It’s a strong contender for my favourite RE art-wise. It’s also the most grotesque RE by far, which I love.

I think the first half of the game captures the spirit of classic RE relatively well. I really like it. I can’t quite explain why, but the second half is a lot less interesting to me.

I love the tone, too. Quite Evil Dead-esque.

A nice return to form after 6, if not as good as it could be.

This game hits differently when everyone is calling out your name

why does no one talk about how scary the old house is when it's 10x worse than any area in the game

The direction this series was heading was a crashing end but Resident Evil 7 single-handedly revived the Resident Evil brand with a new wonderful cast of characters and horrors.

fezes to zuando carai mas n curti mt n chegeui na parte final e achei uma bosta aquela parte do barco ta ligado? mt paia parei lá