Reviews from

in the past

Infelizmente nunca irei zerar stardew valley, pelo fato de que eu não preciso zerar stardew valley, apenas o fato de ser uma experiência tão relaxante, e confortável já me faz querer jogar por décadas, sempre que eu chego cansado do trabalho, ou de saco cheio da escola. Esse jogo sempre está lá pra me trazer o mínimo de paz, então eu nunca irei zera-lo por conta disso.

Hm? What do you mean it's 2024?

Best chill farm sim game to date I've played it for hours and still have not come close to doing everything

um cara sozinho fez esse jogo... que isso

esse jogo é perfeito pra criar uma senso de rotina, já que você tem que seguir os horários (dependendo do que for fazer). Também é muito divertido o trabalho em grupo quando jogado com amigos, adoro dividir as tarefas e assim todos ganham xp!

Was finally able to play multiplayer with the best buddy. They picked the name Penis, and like an hour into our game the word penis got censored only for them. Great experience.

Jogo bonito, personagens interessantes e relaxante. Só acredito que não seja do meu gosto mesmo, não me divirto muito jogando.

What is there not to like about this game? I can spend HOURS playing this game and I have and I don't get bored as there is so much to do. I want to play it again but I am waiting for 1.6 for consoles.

All of the worst aspects of settler-colonial homesteading fantasy wrapped up in a rigorously boring "game". There are titles that do every aspect of game play better than stardew, and every bit of writing drips in a putrid Jeffersonian populism. This may as well have been titled "Donald Trump MAGA Simulator", but perhaps "Left Liberal SPITES Amazon for the Small Landholding All Amerikkkan No Slaves Here Plantation I Mean Commune" would better fit the demographic.

What to think about something that takes most of what makes it great from something else? These are more just my thoughts than a proper review.

There's this perception in art that highly values originality. We like new propositions. That doesn't undermine a derivative work, however. Concepts evolve, ideas change, gameplay shouldn't stagnate. Still, many dislike plagiarism.

For me, Stardew Valley firmly walks the divisory line between inspiration and plagiarism. Eric Barone, the developer of the game, has mentioned wanting to improve the flaws of the Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons games was his main drive. I'd say it creates as many flaws as it fixes. Still, this is understandable as he was a sole developer.

It is important to judge a piece of art not just as its own entity, one should also consider the times, the environment, what came before it. That's why we still call Ocarina of Time a masterpiece and not just an outdated piece of software.

Now that Stardew Valley has become as influential as HM/SoS, it's worth asking... does it deserve all the praise? Or is it just a good, polished piece? There's a lot of merit in the creation of a good game, but maybe there's bigger merit in the creation of a genre.

Finally, I'd like to say I'm glad he decided to take what started as mere code training to this extent, and that he decided to make it his own, instead of some sort of mod for any HM/SoS game.

nem tenho palavras pra descrever este jogo
casei com a emily

Simplesmente o GOAT de jogos de fazendinha, maravolhoso em todos os aspectos, recomendo demais pra qualquer um

No puedo más. Conseguir la perfección no es una broma.

Lebron James reportedly accidentally tossed the 100% perfection concerned ape hat into the river :(

jogo é bonitinho, gostosinho e com certeza foi feito com muito amor. só não é a minha vibe o que não me deixou passar de poucas horas jogadas

Esse jogo é simplesmente magnifico, eu lembro que um amigo queria que eu jogasse stardew mas nn era muito minha praia, mas dps que eu comecei a jogar, ja to com quase 300 horas e ainda nn cansei, esse jogo é simplesmente uma masterpiece

Es un juegazo pero me da ansiedad pq intento ser full optimo para hacer todo antes de los 3 años y me acabo agobiando y lo dejo

Why does this game have 1 million hours? It's insane


Stardew Valley is the ultimate chill-out game. You ditch your boring city job, inherit your grandpa's farm, and just kinda... live. Grow crops, fish, hang out with the townsfolk, maybe even find love – it's way more addictive than it sounds! The pixel art is charming, the music is so relaxing, and there's always something new to discover. If you ever wanted to escape to a cozy little virtual world and just unwind, Stardew Valley is for you.

such a cozy little cozy farming game that is cozy and makes you feel cozy
featuring cozy aspects such as: cozy fishing, cozy farming, cozy mining, etc

Um dos jogos mais hipnotizantes que eu já joguei.Apesar de seus gráficos "simples",ele possui um dos sistemas/mundos mais viciantes,no qual você,provavelmente,jamais ficará entediado.Apesar de não fugir dos esteriótipos clássicos de jogos de fazenda,ele permitindo uma pluralidade de atividades como pesca,combate,mineração,plantação e coleta;somando-se à exploração,relacionamentos com os personagens e os mistérios que o Vale do Orvalho esconde.Com certeza,esse jogo é um dos meus pontos seguros no mundo dos games,no qual ,continuadamente,retorno para descansar e relaxar.

Played this for nearly another 100 hours. My God is this game a masterpiece.

top 5 jogos da minha vida criar vaca e plantações eeeeee vida de caipira num é facil

This is it, this is cozy gaming

I would need to write a book to explain how much i like this game. 100/10. Its just amazing in every way i love it so much.