Reviews from

in the past

fun and cute! a good introduction to gaming for anyone who wants to have a nice time. that's it, nothing more or less.

Très bon mais violemment surcoté imo 👍

Primeiro Mario 3D que joguei (podem me julgar mas não ligo) e digo que é LINDO! Cara, como é boa e satisfatória a gameplay dessa bagaça, esbanja carisma. A única ressalva que posso me lembrar no momento é que achei a caçada das Luas no "NG+" é legal no início mas fica maçante muito rápido.
Jump Up, Super Star! S2

"Meh, Sonic is better, Mario is so boring"
That was me for my whole life, until I've played Odyssey. It made me fall in love with the platforming, and the game is just adorable in every way.

Having completed all 999 moons, secrets and expanded my knowledge on the speed-running scene of this game, I genuinely believe this is my favorite 3D Mario to date. I have very fond memories of titles such as Super Mario Galaxy, but this games platforming, movement and creativity is on another level. Nintendo out did themselves in every way, with a title that is so beautifully expressive in its content with fun ideas and creative new worlds at every turn. I highly recommend this title.

the more i play the game, the more my opinion shifts on the game. its still a good game, no doubt. i find the amount overwhelming in every stage. still enjoy it when i pick it up.

The last Mario game I played was ah, a time, but this is exactly the kind of cozy Mario game I was looking for. Instead of the “you can’t go any further unless you head back to this world and do more chores” design of 64 or Sunshine, we have a whole world full of things to collect, with the minimum required to progress readily available and and a massive amount of them for completion’s sake waiting for you if you want to find them. Maybe if you pile up goombas then this down-bad goomba lady will give you a moon, maybe if I smack this rabbit with my hat he’ll, etc. And unlike my last experience, plenty of reasonable checkpoints and a whole slew of coins to pool from if you happen to lose a life, so now you can jump into pools of lava and poison sludge, or bump into a goomba or koopa shell, completely consequence-free. Oh sure, by all means do whatever you can to The Graduate Bowser’s latest forced-wedding service with Princess Peach, but now it also includes sightseeing, occasionally looking for collectibles if you want to, giving up if you really don’t, and amassing a huge wardrobe.

And after the difficulties I suffered with Mario last time, the costumes in this was an exercise in pure retributive sadism. How much physical and psychological harm can I inflict on this goofy little man by making omnipotent decisions on what he is to wear? Oh, are you in a desert land with blazing sun above and hot sand as far as the eye can see? I’m putting you in a down parka and winter boots. A frozen wasteland of ice and biting wind? Well, you better enjoy your fingers and toes while you still got em, cause you’re only in your skivvies now. And if you need to swing by a bustling metropolis full of modern cosmopolitan men and women in fancy dapper suits, I’m putting you in a poncho and sombrero, everyone’s going to think you’re a freaking racist. I’m going to make you stare down certain death at the hands of a hulking electric dragon in flippers and a floatey tube and a snorkel, very good for mobility those, not to mention good conductors of electricity. What a beautiful beach resort land full of bubbly sparkling clear water. Would be a real shame if someone were to make you wear full samurai armor. I have deep closets, I have clashing golf ensembles, French chef outfits, even the ugly purple and yellow work uniforms from the retailer that all the costumes come from, even, quite literally, a clown suit. You hurt me once, Mario, and now I’m going to make you look fucking ridiculous

This review contains spoilers

This is the best Mario game so far, in general. Jumping around and collecting random shit has never felt any better than this.

This game succeeds in everything it sets up to do.

- No janky controls or poorly thought level design like in 64.
- Better collectable system and feeling of movement than in Sunshine.
- WAY better flow of gameplay and sense of freedom than ANY of the Galaxy games.
- Absolutely 0 of the blandness and restrtictions from the "3D" games and the 2D platformers.
- You can play as Bowser in this one.

I just don't know why it took them this long to make a game like this after Sunshine had laid the foundation. This game actually lets you roam free with barely any restrictions or hand holding and allows you to beat it however you want.

The moons are a very welcome evolution from the stars and the shine sprites, especially considering how awfully long it was to just get a single star in the Galaxy games. Here, there are moons fucking everywhere, some of them you can just walk to and simply grab them.

Some people complain about this, saying moons are meaningless then...Those people are weak. I do not care if certain moons are easy to get, I will get every single one of these bastards no matter what, so to me, it really does not matter.

And sure, more moons means more work...But to me, part of the fun in this game, is to try and beat it as fast as possible while still trying to collect as much as you can. And this is because the game actually incentivizes me to think this way.

I can see why people like to speedrun Mario 64 or Sunshine. I would not think in a million years to speedrun any of the Galaxy games...But this? Mario's moveset in this game is so varied, so fun and dynamic, it allows you to do so much crazy shit that it if you are just playing the game like it is 3D World...You are playing this shit wrong.

You gotta jump and spin and throw that shit and dive into the mud and get your hands dirty and then do a sideflip and groundpound into a jump, into a cappy throw, into a cap jump into a wall jump to an upper throw to a last minute capture so you can...fucking....


I don't know, I don't even know anymore. I don't know what this review turned into. I pretty much love EVERYTHING about this game...There is too much for me to say and I don't want to write an entire book about it here.

880/5. Pauline shows up and she is the best part of the game..............................................................................................After capturing Bowser- YOU RESCUE PEACH AS BOWSER DUDE!!!

Weirdly VERY hard to replay. I can't bring myself to do it, unlike with Mario 64.

Outside of some rather boring kingdoms in the middle (notably Lost Kingdom) and the tiring process of collecting moons, this was a great game and it was nice playing a 3D Mario game for the first time in about a decade.

I turned like 19 and nintendo said: "remember mario 64?" and i said
"yeah i used to not play it via an emulator when i was 9!"

and then they blacklisted me, but the point is Mario Oddysey Gave me a new game that felt like the official sequel mario sunshine wasnt, galaxy avoided, and 3d world...simply wasnt going for at all.

Mario Oddysey is a glorious return to 3D platformers, even if sometimes it suffers from being made with Mobile play in mind.
(essentially a lot of filler moons)

Fun, but I expected much more; I don't see what makes this game special.

try not to smile or have a delightful time challenge (DIFFICULTY: IMPOSSIBLE)

IT'S TIME TO JUMP UP IN THE AIR (jump up in the air)
JUMP UP, DON'T BE SCARED (jump up, don't be scared)
AND IF THE DARK CLOUDS START TO SWIRL (dark clouds start to swirl)


I was genuinely excited for this game. And I enjoyed what little I did play with it's movement and everything, but I didn't enjoy this as much as I thought I would. Collecting moons isn't as satisfying as stars or shines in past games. I probably just need to come back to this game when I've got a chance.

this is so easily the best mario game. the only ones that get close to it for me, are galaxy and 3d world, but those don't feel as "mario" as this game does.

it has the most fun platformer movement ever, without being overcomplicated. the capture gimmick is very very fun to use, and i'm so glad they got a lil silly with it and let u be a manhole cover n such

i think every one of these kingdoms are so fun and interesting, i love how they all feel like they have history and ur just kinda jumpin into a new world. [also a big fan of how the existence of the humans in metro kingdom imply that mario is not human i think thas silly]

the music is sosososo nice, the game itself looks beautiful,
and i am just PRAYING we get a sequel to this, like how we got galaxy 2.

One of my favourite games of all time. From the fluid motion to enjoyable and non-stop fun gameplay, this game is amazing.



by far the best looking game on the switch

Actually really fucking good. Especially for a Mario game.

On peut dire ce qu'on veut de la Switch mais c'est le prime pour la franchise Mario

An absolute incredible return to form after years of a stale "formula"