Reviews from

in the past

This is an in-progress review. But yeah I think this is a great take on Mario as a $10 app, sorta like a stylised auto-runner with a strong emphasis on replaying levels to collect coins and building upon the Mushroom Kingdom. It reminds me a little of Donkey Kong Jungle Beat in the manner of score attack mode and “style points” for those competitive toad audience stages.

I just cleared the stages and already I’m back for pink coins, relays as well as opening up the Star World stages! Whelp I think I’m being drawn in, at least I’ve already bought in.

i paid for this game twice...

Un marathon pour le compléter mdr

En vrai le jeu vaut le prix selon moi, il reste moyennement cheap mais pour un jeu mobile j'suis désolé il mérite pas le flop qu'il a eu

not paying for this game dude wtf