Reviews from

in the past

Oh dear god, oh man it's everywhere

A experiência definitiva de Tetris, é incrível a junção da música, direção de arte do game com o estilo de jogo clássico, é desafiador, eu tinha desistido da última fase quando joguei no PC e sofri novamente jogando no PS5, tive que fazer a fase no fácil e sofrendo mas tá feito.

Tetris is already a near perfect game, so it is no surprise that this game does it well.

Insane visuals and sounds on top of Tetris make this game extremely cool to play. The story mode is a bit short, and not too challenging. The game does include ways to play classic Tetris while maintaining the visuals this game provides. However, 40 dollars for Tetris is a bit steep.

As close to perfect as a tetris game can be. VR, integration with a curated soundtrack that is supposed to evoke an emotional journey, much like all games produced by Mizuguchi. Much like lumines and Rez it is ingenious in its efforts to immerse and intermingle the gameplay and audio without it being a rhythm game.

As far as the base mechanics, it's tetris with a few of the additional modes you'll see that vary in their aim. To be a casual challenge, totally relaxing, or put your skills to the test. Plus in the main game, a "super" mode that lets you pause time and stack line clears for an octotris and such. Nothing amazing in the way it plays, but it's 100% presentation and despite that, it knocks it out of the park.

It extends its themes of connectedness through its community challenges and bonus mode menu showing lit up parts of the earth with little creatures and objects orbiting it.

The VR is the best way to experience this, not just as a VR enthusiast but because the game was intended to immerse you and initialize the titular tetris effect. To put you in an isolation tank with its sights and sounds, and leave you in some sort of parallel Tetris universe.

I'm excited for the free expansion and while it's been a bit since this initially came out I pray for further iterations in terms of levels and features because I want this to be and stay the definitive tetris experience forever if possible.