Reviews from

in the past

tão bom que nem parece da Ubisoft

Valiant Hearts: The Great War isn't your typical war game. It's a heartfelt story about ordinary people caught up in the chaos of World War I. You follow a group of characters from different countries, all connected in surprising ways. The art style is beautiful, and the puzzles are clever without being frustrating. It can be a bit slow at times, and the ending might leave you wanting more, but overall, it's a moving experience that reminds you of the human cost of war.

Has to be in every conversation for best narrative and soundtrack

War from the perspective of the everyday people, what better way to make a tearjerker?

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Un juego de guerra que por momentos me hizo sentir nudos en la gargantas, pero lo que no me gusto tanto es que siento yo que abusaron un poco de las muertes falsas”, lo que no esperaba era que se muriera uno de los protas fusilado por su propio país por una muerte accidental, pero me la pase bien