Reviews from

in the past


The enhanced second of SNK's shoot'em up arcade goodies offers up a boombastic joyride I'm not looking to hop off from. That gameplay, so explosive! And oh my god the spritework! That 5-star level spritework baby! No amount of deaths are gonna stop me from coming back everytime. The tasteful reference to Independence Day's "HELLO BOY'S! I'M BAAAACK!!!" will never not be funny to me several replays later.

É tipo o 3, mas diferente!

De todos os jogos da franquia Metal Slug que joguei esse, para mim, é o melhor. A dificuldade não é tão exagerada igual em outros jogos da franquia, possui 6 fases com cenários bem diversos e um level design que agrega valor juntamente aos chefões. Faltou adicionarem novas armas e personagens, mas entendo totalmente haja vista a limitação da época.

Una mejora sustancial del primero con más cositas, y hasta nuevos personajes.

PD: Mamasitas la Eri y la Fio

I like how quickly they abandoned the military aspect of the game and just said fuck it and went with mummies, aliens, and sewer monsters to spice up the variety of enemies to kill here.

primeira jogo que zerei em vida

E vai mais uma review de Metal Slug que não tenho oque falar a não ser repetir as mesmas palavras, e voltar a dizer que a versão da Steam é uma porcaria então nem vou me prolongar muito aki esse jogo é incrivel.

Enfim essa é apenas a opinião de alguem que ama jogar video jogos☝️🤓.

gosto de ver como o final desse jogo estava gravado no fundo da minha cabeça

um dos melhores jogos de arcade q já joguei... dificil pra caramba mas conpensa zerar ele. vc não gasta muito tempo pra termina-lo

Deberian llamar a este juego un Re-Skin del 2, no se, esta divertido pero nada mas.

The "fixed" version of 2, this one swings for the fences with some set piece-y bosses, alternate routes and secrets, and a pulpy, paranormal flavor injected into its World-at-War cartoon antics. Far from perfect, but my personal favorite for sure.

Eu vim fazer um anúncio, metal slug x é uma obra de arte do caralho,um jogo a frente do seu tempo o jogo tem uma história comovente onde seus inimigos viram seu aliado após a traição dos alienígenas, sem falar na cena linda e comovente onde um aliado usa seu avião para destruir a nave alienígena do último Boss.

As it turns out, this is not Metal Slug 10 but rather a modified version of Metal Slug 2 with some honestly cool new weapons added in with some occasional new enemies (love the mummy dogs)

(I played this on Metal slug Anthology on a PS2 emulator)
Metal slug X is Metal slug 2 with a few minor differences and the occasional stuttering lag spikes fixed. Because of that, I will mostly copy my review of Metal slug 2. It was originally an arcade game that was later ported to the PS 1. The game is a 2D platformer shooter with a very beautiful artstyle. Overall, I would recommend playing this over Metal slug 2 or if you just want more of the same.
Not much of a narrative, although the IGDB description does give of the appearance of a wider story.
Fairly simple controls as this is an arcade game. You can move left or right and crouch or jump. Shooting is only on the 2 axis. There are also grenades you can throw and more powerful weapons with limited ammo you can find. You will need them as this is not an easy game. Arcade games try to suck as much money from the players as possible, and the main method they use is to increase the difficulty. Another part kept in the port is the lives' system. After you die 3 times, which happens whenever you get hit, you can choose to either respawn and trivialize the Metal slug X by brute forcing it or restart the WHOLE GAME. It could really use some checkpoints. But I bet these were real money makes back in the day.
Graphics and artstyle
It keeps the phenomenal artstyle of the previous entries. Everything from the enemy soldiers to the background has so much character and style.
Pretty fun soundtrack, quite fitting to the tone of the game as well. Favourite part is “Kiss in the dark”.
Final Thoughts

Beautiful and fun. Just like 1, it's one of the best run n guns still.

Played this co op and it was really fun but also kinda incomprehensible.

esse aqui é muito bom né? sempre bom jogar novamente pra lembrar dessa masterpiece.

Mais do mesmo, não surpreende, mas vale a pena jogar o multiplayer.

run n' gun clássico bem divertido e desafiador


Oh yeah! This is Metal Slug that I remember. It was some disappointment after replaying first part and that's why I didn't have much expectations for Metal Slug X. But how fun is just to play it through this increadibly designed missions, so special and full of many details. The game is realy better balanced. And the gameplay is more developed by some funny additions. Boss characters are more expressive. And here I can see the story.
Large step after the first part.

Muito bom, zerei com minha esposa e estou mt feliz

É tipo um remastered do 2 só que mil vezes melhor que aquele,muito brabo esse jogo,e é com certeza um dos melhores da franquia

MS5 may be my favorite, but X is probably the perfection of the formula. The removal of slowdown makes the level design of this game shine like no other. It must be the most enjoyable to pick up and replay multiple times, and it's where I think the difficulty has the most positive balance overall. Maybe it has the definitive selection of stages in the series too. Too bad that here the zombie form still doesn't vomit that insane napalm that annihilates the entire screen.

First Metal Slug (and probably coin-op) ever played, cool experience.

Just Metal Slug 2 but it plays and looks better, Which is saying a lot because metal slug 2 is a great game.

X/2 remain my favorite Metal Slug games. Incredibly silly, introduces strange enemies just because it can. Fun level gimmicks like mummy transformation and missile platforming. It's a good time across the board and I'm glad to have played X to compare to 2 after all this time.