The game that gave me such a big passion for gaming. I loved this game so much and It will always be one of my favorite games from the story, music, characters, gameplay, and everything. I don't know what else to say I just love this game so much.

The right opinion is to call this a 10/10

I still get mad thinking about this game, all I'm gonna say is play Celeste instead and don't even try it just pretend it's not real.

I understand why people love this game but to me, I felt really burnt out around the end. Just having the same world in a Mario game felt boring and tiring. But its not an awful game to play and other people that enjoy this game are completely valid in enjoying it.

Out of all the spiderman games I've played this is my favorite one. I put the most hours into this one and just playing, in general, was a really fun experience and it felt extremely smooth

This game is still really good fun. It was one of the most creative Mario games, every planet was exciting to visit and play.

I know Im going to get murdered for this but I honestly enjoyed this more than Super Metroid. I do with it wasn't as linear as it was. But the gameplay and bosses are a lot of fun and I never felt bored and frustrating while playing this one.

Not my favorite metroid but its still a great game. To be honest the biggest disappointment going into this game was the fact that the music wasn't as good as other entries. But I still highly recommend it.

My favorite Metroid game for sure. I know everyone says super Metroid is the best Metroid but this game is just fun every second of it. This is the best Metroid game to start with, the music is great, the controls are smooth, the animation and sprites look beautiful, and just the whole thing is a great experience.

An amazing game for sure, yes it is very difficult for sure. But the story and the deep message behind the platforming is great. The gameplay is amazing and the music just inspires you to keep on going.

(Played on Switch)
I remember I would always say I hated this game but I never realized how wrong I was. This game still aged well and every level feels fun still. Yes there are some buggy and frustrating moments but it's still a fun game to play.

One of my all-time favorite RPGs, I loved the combat the music, and the story. I was worried they would have stretched out the Midgar section of the game since it's the whole thing. But everything felt so fun and natural.

My favorite 3D Mario and Mario game in general. It just feels so fresh and original. I loved every kingdom and it was the only Mario game I actually felt like getting 100 percent.

Definitely up there with one of my favorite Zelda games. I already played it twice and I enjoy it the same way. Honestly just an amazing game to play even if you're not a zelda fan and its your first one.

Honestly the best smash game. How could you hate the smash game with the best gameplay and the best roster?