The base idea here is solid. "Eat small things to get bigger so you can eat bigger things" is a tried-and-true idea that has stood the test of time. I just wish I liked anything else about this. I think it feels kinda bad to control, the ui isn't terribly intuitive, it's not always clear where to go, and the ending felt a bit nonsensical. Maybe the most tragic thing is that the art didn't really do anything for me. It's trying to be a little bit gross and weird but it just doesn't land for me. It's not gross in a repulsive way like Binding of Isaac is and it's not gross in an interesting way like Nidhogg 2 is. It somehow manages to be a very bland type of gross. Oh, that fish has a human face? Yeah I played Seaman, that's nothing new.

But all that said: it's free and there's certainly worse ways to spend ten minutes, so maybe just give it a shot anyway.

Reviewed on Sep 03, 2021
