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19 hrs ago

Androu1 finished Pseudoregalia
I'm extremely impressed with how nimble Sybil is despite being dummy thicc, you'd think that fat ass would slow her down!

Pretty great game with great visuals, music, and excellent movement that allows for some really fun sequence breaks. Just wish there was tad more to it, with the ending being extremely anti-climatic in particular.

Almost 100%d, only missed like 3 things but I didn't feel like going to get them, but I did unlock all outfits from Time Trials. Doing these time trials was probably the most fun part of the game, since you need to have good precision and route planning to beat most of them.

2 days ago

Androu1 abandoned Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles - Remastered Edition
This game sucks so much fucking ass, I'm not gonna wrangle any friends to play something this mid, regardless of version (this version makes multiplayer worse but that's irrelevant, neither version of the game is worthwhile).

3 days ago

Androu1 finished Final Fantasy XV: Episode Ardyn
Ardyn really do be a peak character. Playing as hm makes the game's low difficulty (without mods) really work, too, plus I love his mobility. Wish the rest of the DLCs hadn't been cancelled...

4 days ago

Androu1 completed Hugo 2

4 days ago

Androu1 completed Hugo

4 days ago

Androu1 finished Final Fantasy XV: Episode Ignis
Ignis gets the worst gameplay of the 4 bros, and the worst "superboss" (seriously that shit sucked) but the main story content is literally peak even if Extra Verse is silly, so I liked it quite a lot nonetheless...

5 days ago

Androu1 finished Final Fantasy XV: Episode Prompto
Yooo they put Jake's Campaign from Resident Evil 6 in FFXV!

It was nice, I like shooting things, the new songs are great, and the story is good. Superboss for this DLC sucks ass, tho, good thing I disabled Hard Mode Mod by now because it's a mess compared to Episode Gladio's.

The best thing about it, though, is that the the best woman in all of Eos gets more screentime!

6 days ago

Androu1 abandoned Final Fantasy XV: Multiplayer Expansion - Comrades
could be cool if there were actual comrades online anymore but that doesn't seem to be the case and idc enough to join discords and try to organize shit when i could just... play better games with similar mission-based structures and co-op

6 days ago

Androu1 finished Final Fantasy XV
I played with the Hard Mode Mod (personally tweaked to be less insane), so I won't talk much about the combat other than saying it's pretty solid when enemies aren't instantly dying... though the mod has its own issues (it's a band-aid fix). My only real issue with combat was the camera and some jank (characters positioning weirdly with Blindside Links mostly), ain't nothing fixing that.

Kinda mixed on the game overall besides that, though. Like, I really like the open world and exploring it and shit, but it's relatively empty and has a lot of downtime (those Auto trips on the Regalia while the bros don't say anything are a waste of time). But I do like the overall road trip vibe, because when it hits it hits.

I could say the same for the story. It gets somewhat messy and seems kinda clumsy, but it has some great highs. So, when it hits it hits, again! Great cast of characters though, I liked the main 4 way more than I thought I would, especially Noctis. Considering the game's development, I'm actually surprised it was good at all, though I know there were some reworked bits. Like the entirety of Chapter 14, for example, I sure as hell was thrown for a loop going into it after seeing estimates of how long it took to beat, without realizing they meant the OG version.

Haven't played the DLC Episodes other than Gladio's yet tho, will get on that shortly.

OST is banging, not much to say there. Though the third region (IIRC) battle theme sounds like it should be for a final boss or some shit, it's so dramatic, but it's great.

Also, I originally planned to get 100% achievements on Steam but I saw that you gotta do Comrades which is apparently a massive grind, so lol. Lmao even. Fuck Steam for mixing in DLC achievements with the base game, man... though on that note, there's a lot of post-game content apparently, which I can't be assed to do either simply because I wanna play other games. That just how it be!

7 days ago

Androu1 completed Cold Fear

8 days ago

8 days ago

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