After 10 years of nothing, Capcom dropping info on this and letting the game cook for a while led to making the single most well made action game ever and jesus christ am I so happy. The gameplay is a step up from 4's in a lot of ways, however it is missing some of the stellar movement options that 4 had. I'm fine with the game not being as crazy on that front though, every game is worth playing for its own reasons.

A lot of the boss fights fuck, the music is killer except Dante's theme, the story is actually kinda good again, the voice work is fantastic, the game is beautiful, there's really not enough you can say about the game, it's just so fucking good. I do wish the game had more in the way of alternate costumes and extra stuff to do, but as it stands the game is like one of the greatest video games ever released I love Devil May Cry so fucking much dude.

Reviewed on Mar 30, 2023

1 Comment

1 year ago

I will die on the hill that Dante's theme is underrated and misunderstood. It's symbolic of him embracing his demon side. I swear, you guys make me pretentious.