It took me the better part of a year to finish this 8 hour game, and there's a reason for it. Yurukill is a game of two halves; a really basic and mid bullet hell, and some simple linear escape room puzzles intersperced with the worst mystery novel I've read.

This game's story is the main pull, and its easily the worst part of the game. The twist is ridiculously obvious and not surprising. The dialogue is dry as hell, the stakes are way too low and softball for a killing game in an amusement park. I kept waiting for the plot to take off and it didn't.

Fans of bullet hell games will think its mid, repetitive and horribly paced shooter. Danganronpa or Zero Escape fans will hate the derivative, predictable, plodding plot. Yurukill isn't a disaster, it just misses both of its demographics by spreading itself too thin.

Its a short, boring adventure with an ass pull cornball happy ending. The shmup sections are distractingly hideous as the icing on the cake. The best parts are the character designs, some of the dialogue and Binko's tryhard voice acting. It's like putting a marashino cherry on a cake made of sawdust and and duct sealant. To further elaborate; it's not fucking important.

Reviewed on May 23, 2023
