Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order was my first entry to the (STAR WARS) Univers, and it was a great one. It makes me want to watch the movies to understand more about the world, the Jedi order, order 66, and the fight between the Empire and Rebellion.

So how was the gameplay, you might ask? Well, it was fantastic, I enjoyed it. It has enough variety to keep it interesting and most importantly fun. the skills were alright but could be better. The enemies were good, what I like about them was that every planet has different types of monsters and fighting skills (ways of attacking you) I didn't feel like I'm fighting the same enemies, except for the Empire soldiers. To be fair they introduce new types of soldiers every now and then called the inquisitors they were fun to play against.

The story is good. to be honest, I don't know how to review a story without spoiling it. but it doesn't offer something new. (That is not something bad mind you) it tells it story in a solid way that let me want to buy the next game. especially after the last part of the game. the side characters were great for the most part.

overall, the game is a recommend. it has excellent combat, a good story, and great enemies.

Reviewed on Jan 25, 2023
