this NA dub is really not it

much smoother to play than i'd been led to believe. obsessed with the way that the little physical trajectories of each attack emitting from specific points on the core all matter with the importance of playing corners and high grounds because you can't move so good all the time. wish i'd played this before cruelty squad, it's all in here

strikes me that while there are many games set in history, i can think of remarkably few games that concern themselves with how histories are actually produced. banger

neat little thing! didn't super love how the combat became less about taking exciting risks and more about how to preserve the quite generous invulnerability windows and never become susceptible to damage, but there were situations where that made its own fun. great run animation

i am gonna be so annoying about this game

like a PS3 game that fell into a time hole, huge laugh

really lovely, gorgeous sprites meet simple, elegant combat mechanics for probably the best £4.29 i've spent on videogames in recent memory

didn't think they could possibly make one as good as luminous avenger again but they fuckin did it the mad bastards

the uppercut alone justifies this game's existence, run and gun action games without one since have all been fucking up

a couple of duff levels and an extremely bad boss fight can't keep this game from being sick as fuck. gorgeously animated transformations and the smash-and-grab flow to the level designs make for a consistently engaging and pleasantly surprising experience from start to finish.

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i don't think i expected the biggest influence on the new kirby game to be bayonetta, but i'm glad it was

what the hell is wrong with you people this game owns, it's more ambitious and more sincere than anything sonic team have made with a z axis in well over a decade

listen, i like videogame guns as much as the next guy. in fact, i probably like them a lot more! so i had a pretty good time with this game.

really charming, hopelessly messy. i'd love to get the other endings and really see how far the customisation goes, but the prospect of replaying those last few levels right now is just so painful. cool game though, glad to play it

if nothing else (and there's quite a bit else) this has definitely the best hacking minigame i've played