Pretty good erotic pixel art under a tissue paper-thin veil of gameplay that is outclassed by nearly the entire X68000 library. You walk forward in a straight line, enemies spawn in abundance in front of and behind you, you punch or kick them, repeat until you get to a boss. The grotesque disfigurements of these putty women in the core game belie the print materials and slideshow rewards for beating a stage. Though ostensibly these are lesbian displays of lewdness, they cater to the male gaze with laser precision with both parties taking on stances of submission and presentation towards the camera.

Not that this a-phallic focus is of any surprise. Published under the Technopolis Soft label, a software imprint of Tokuma Shoten's Technopolis magazine, this material reflects the contents of this and other Japanese PC enthusiast magazines of the 80s and 90s. Whether it's Technopolis, POPCOM, LOGiN, these magazines and their ilk catered to an overwhelmingly male readership. Entire sections of these and other magazines were devoted to eroge, gravure photoshoots, and erotic manga. In Guerrière Lyewärd, as in Technopolis itself, lesbian imagery is not on display as a means of some liberation for repressed women loving women in Japan, but a fetishistic object for heterosexual consumption. These women are crazed nymphomaniacs in need of a satiation which never comes.

Pornography aside, this is one of the shallowest eroge I've ever played, both in terms of erotic content and the gameplay itself. I thought maybe it was a type-in game, or a pack-in from a Technopolis appendix. No! It physically released! It cost 6800円! That's around $110USD today! That's like $5 for every 'lewd' image, goddamn!!!

Reviewed on Apr 10, 2023

1 Comment

1 year ago

Since I was not able to find documentation online of the 'story' or its translation, the in-game text is below alongside machine translations.


その頃各地で奇妙な現象が起こり始めた。それまでは普通に生活していた人々が、突然 1 ヶ所に集まったと思うと暴徒と化すのだ。狂暴化した人々を捕まえて調査した結果、 しい事実が判明した。やはりエイリアンの仕業だったのだ


「私も今までの人と同じく、エイリアンに操られていたのです。捕らえられて、このシールドを着せられ、ここを守っていたのです。しかし、このままではまたすぐにエイリアンの支配下におかれてしまうでしょう。 それは、他の人たちも同じ事です。」

「皆を解放するにはエイリアン自身を滅ぼさなくてはエイリアンはこのすぐ先にいます。 あなたならきっと倒してくれる、そう信じています。世界の人々を救って下さい!」

In the year 2039 A.D., the Earth had gone through the Third World War, the world had been unified, and humanity was once again enjoying the peace and quiet that had come to it. However, UFOs were being sighted day by day in countries around the world, and the existence of extra-atmospheric beings (aliens) was becoming apparent. The leaders of each country were trying to establish a global organisation to defend themselves against the aliens...

At the same time, strange phenomena began to occur in many places. People who had been living normally until then suddenly gathered in one place and turned into a mob. The rioters were caught and investigated, and a new fact was discovered: it was the work of aliens. It was, after all, the work of aliens.

The moment the Ice Devil was defeated, its outer skin crumbled away and someone appeared. It was, surprisingly, a girl.

"I was being controlled by the aliens, just like everyone else before me. They captured me, put this shield on me and protected me here. But if I continue like this, I will soon be under the control of the aliens again. And that goes for everyone else too."

"To liberate everyone, the aliens themselves must be destroyed, and they are just ahead of us. The aliens are just ahead of us and I know you will defeat them. Save the people of the world!"