FF7R has only grown on me more and more as the years tick by. Its combat is nothing short of phenomenal, and I believe it has some of the best art direction in gaming history. The fact that these characters and locales have been so gloriously realized from the much compromised presentation of the original game in a way that virtually everyone sees as "correct" is nothing short of a miracle. Sound design, especially the voice casting is impeccable. It maintains every bit of the original's goofy spirit by refusing to omit ludicrous monster designs like that of the Hell House and instead wearing them on its sleeve, rightfully proud of its own soul. The English localization is even more delicious than the original Japanese. The ending, while off-putting at first, like so many similar Nomura stunts, finds its way from "confusing mess" to "fascinating and memorable storytelling" as time rolls by, though I still have my qualms about its execution.

In the space of two years, I have slowly fallen into a sort of love with FF7R that rivals even my love of the original game, and considering the game we're talking about, that is an absolutely incredible feat.

Reviewed on Jun 25, 2020
