Almost 20 years after its release, playing Four Swords Adventures has only recently become a plausible endeavor. In The Ancient Days, in order to play this game in "the real way" that the developers intended, one would need access to the following:

-A TV in a location suitable for four prospective players
-A Nintendo Gamecube
-A copy of The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventures
-Three other local human beings of comparable skill, compatible schedules, a consistent and persistent interest in playing a 15 hour long Zelda game to completion, and a modicum of amicable chemistry amongst themselves and with you (So we had might as well give up right now)
-FOUR(!!!) working Gameboy Advances
-Enough batteries (or charging solutions) to sustain those four GBAs for 15 hours of play
-FOUR(!!!) rare and expensive GBA to GCN cables, of which I personally saw exactly ONE in the entire decade between 2000 and 2010.

Now we have Parsec, Dolphin, and Discord, and we can play this very fun and very cool co-op game.

Oh did you want like, actual criticism? Uh... the more puzzly levels can be huge pace breakers in a way that isn't really great for an otherwise fast-paced thing like this. It would also benefit from some system that could warp a lagging teammate to the screen boundary that all three other players are pushing against, trying to move on and patiently waiting. Generally though, this rules. Great fun.

Reviewed on Apr 25, 2022
