7 reviews liked by Donly

Like any children's entertainment truly worth it's salt, Earthbound is equal parts charming, whimsical, and traumatizing.



Pink is the truth you can't hide, maybe
Pink like the folds of your brain, crazy
Pink as we all go insane



A luxury rogue-like where every facet of the experience is fine-tuned with an inch of your life for maximum player comfort. The art, progression, game-feel, and weapon/skills on display are all engineered to give you a sense of power. It's really goddam good.

Though the combat can be a bit mushy at the start of each run and frankly... I'm not huge into grinding but I understand why it's there.

The game that I loved no longer exists in this world.

With the relentless march of time, the game grew, changed, twisted, and morphed into another, different game bearing the aesthetics of Ragnarok. As is the fate of all live service online games, when updates come and changes are made, the previous iterations of the game are lost forever to the ether, becoming playable only in the memories of those who were there to experience it.

There is a loose network of small fan-run servers that attempt to emulate how the game once was. They are imperfect, as all memories are. Still, it is a comfort to me knowing they are there, maintaining those recreations of a bygone virtual world, keeping the doors open in case any previous resident becomes too nostalgia-drunk and stumbles in.

Caius is probably the best villain this series has had since VII. If only because the Hamlet wannabe is always on your ass like a good Final Fantasy villain ought to be.

It's over the top, indulgent, festive fantasy drama with incredible costumes and locals that had a lot of work put into then. Three of the characters are from a future where the world is basically over and there are literally only those three humans left in existence living in barren wasteland desert. Despite this all three dress like royalty from a healthy, opulent kingdom and wield ornate swords larger than their torsos. So just chill out I guess. Collect monsters, level up your jobs, read the insane datalogs to learn the centuries long story of Gogmagogs travels through the Rift Between Eras.

The final boss is a bunch of bullshit.

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