Suda's magnum opus, seven killers try to make sense of it all

Killer7 is an action adventure game with elements of rail shooting by Grasshopper Manufacture with the aid of Capcom originally for the GameCube and PS2 with a PC version arriving in 2018. This game manages to nail atmosphere, the characters and manages to nail a graphical style and themes that holds up even today especially now. It manages to be extremely serious and dark yet maintain some weird ass humor that doesn't feel out of place.

I sorta went into this game from seeing the title "killer7" that it was gonna going to be about 7 random killers or something but it ended up being much more interesting in concept as you control 7 "killers/persona" with unique abilities, weapons and personality. The way they're designed is extremely unique and meshes well with the cel shading. The soundtrack here is also solid with the "safe room/harman's room" really manages to sell an eerie and mysterious vibe to the whole concept of what your collective really is. The game itself just oozes style from playing the levels, the shooting and even reloading gives you a third person view of your character doing it to really show off the work the animators did for this game.

I think the on rail controls work well for the most part but they aren't perfect along with some of the enemy variants in certain levels. After a certain point, the levels while really good started to feel a bit stale after I've used ever killer to my heart's content.

I don't really even feel like calling this game but more of an experience at this point. The gameplay bogged it down for me a bit but this game is fucking crazy and makes me see why people love Suda51 as a creator.

Reviewed on Jun 11, 2021
