one of the best zombie games ever made

only real flaw is the technical state

a somewhat disappointing follow-up. however these developers have proven their commitment to making the game better, already adding many fan requested features since the game launched. I have hope it can eventually live up to the original.

a great introduction to BJ Blazkowicz. Story feels like an Indiana Jones movie (a great thing, given this studio's next project).

pretty incredible sandbox game. i recommend watching Michael Saba's video essay on the story if you found yourself disappointed in that aspect, it helped find a new appreciation for it.

one of the most immersive games I've ever played. already enjoyed the vanilla experience, having played for a few hundred hours on console without mods. However modding the game increases replay value and enjoyment immensely.


incredibly smooth combat that shines in big group fights. not a big fan of most of the bosses. story is nothing to write home about

first game i ever played, still holds up very well

rpg mechanics are not great, but the atmosphere, exploration, and mods kept me hooked for over 100 hours

batmobile overstays its welcome, but the combat and story are great. this game also still looks unbelievably good for a 2015 game

very nostalgic and comfortable game. the pc port is pretty bad, requiring a fan patch to fix audio issues and the framerate

damn good shooter with amazing soundtrack


i find this game somewhat hard to go back to after eternal

really fun movement, not a fan of the games humor