Cool concepts and ideas, just not something I feel like I'd want to put 20+ hours into. Glad I finally got to try it, though.

All respect to Abubakar Salim; I know this game was very heavily inspired by the grief he experienced from the passing of his father. That's clear early and often in the story, and I can tell making this was a cathartic game for him. I also love the way the team implemented Bantu culture into the game, and I tip my cap to Salim on that part.

I just wish I was as interested in the gameplay as I was in the story. It just felt like a very standard Metroidvania to me, and it wasn't really as exciting as I hoped it would be.

While it has some cool concepts, the gameplay started to become rote and repetitive to me. The story was also extremely uninteresting, as were the characters, and while I respect the production values of the game given that it came from a first-time developer, it really needed more time in the oven.

I don't have a rating for this..."game."

I'll just say I thought it was gonna be stupid, and it wasn't stupid enough.

As my first experience with Diablo...yeah, this series isn't really for me.

Pretty good. Kinda like a throwback to action games from the 360/PS3 era. Nothing mind-blowing but it's worth a play.

It's a little more of the first one, which might not be a bad thing if you're into these kinds of racers (especially since there aren't enough of them on the market).

Technically, I didn't "fully" finish the game because I didn't flip all the houses, but...I beat all the main missions, fuck it I'm giving myself this one.

Game can be addicting, but it definitely wears out its welcome a bit fast. I think I'll stick to PowerWash Simulator.

Last year, it felt like they really eliminated some of the grind in Diamond Dynasty. This year, it feels like we've gone twenty steps backward, and it's not as fun. I tried to complete the Live Series collection (as I do every year), but just couldn't bear to.

The moment-to-moment gameplay is still solid and all - this is MLB: The Show - but it's not nearly as exciting as previous games. I the only one disappointed that the only MLB player to get a "Storyline" is Derek Jeter? Great player and all, but...just him? And it's not even the whole storyline?


Yeah, that's about all it is. Cute, but not super engaging.

I tried this out because I had heard a lot of comparisons to inFAMOUS and, given that I really like inFAMOUS, I thought this would be a fun companion.

Instead, it just felt too janky for me, and only made me yearn for inFAMOUS.

This jumps around a bit too much for me. Probably would've been more fun if I played the other ones, though.

While I love the badass action and the hell are you gonna make a game this winding, with this kind of confusing level design...and not at least have a map? Or an objective marker of some kind?

I don't know how they topped Remake, but they did. Gameplay is even more varied, characters are just as great as ever, storytelling hits all the right emotional notes...holy hell, this is incredible.

How in the world could they top this with Part 3?

Never played the first one but tried this out thanks to Game Pass.

It was kinda forgettable. Nothing all that crazy to me. Credit where it's due, though; after all the time spent developing it, I'm glad it made it out at all. Surviving development hell is a feat in and of itself.