I can't tell how many people are white in this game but if they are that's why they showed up 8 hours early

I can't wait for excitedavidhasslehoff spongebob edition

It would be a 9 if half the game wasn't chase missions that felt like you were trying to catch Speedy Gonzales running home to take a shit

People that say cocaine is addicting haven't played this shit

This game has a shittier camera than if the cameraman for cloverfield stuck it up his ass and was trying to take a shit at the same time

Dash and Violet are my least favorite Incredibles now

This game is harder than Dark Souls those fucking decepticons should have stayed on cybertron

Being surrounded by giant pink cockroaches saying "noggie" in a low voice is absolutely terrifying

Best run animation worst fucking controls

This isnt castle crashers but its got a blue viking what more do you want

The top 2 things from Kingdom Hearts 2

1. Everything

2. Atlantica

Sodapopinski can suck my fucking jugulars

I like the poplins but they look like butt plugs so I like them even better

Bold of Nintendo to assume I go outside