Wonderful 101 is an... interesting game. It has both amazing aspects, concepts, battles, cutscenes, and character moments.
Taking inspiration from SUPER SENTAI (the original shows that later inspired POWER RANGERS and all the generations of that show.) Wonderful 101 has the same concept of a team of Flamboyant cool suit wearing teams, each with a specific color that later equals to a total of 7 specific members among the Wonderful 100 (yeah they're not called Wonderful 101 up until the literal end of the game).

The main 10 members are:

1. Wonder Red - Will Wedgewood - American Teacher who is a leader, and a nerd in terms of whenever he meets a new member or enemy he tends to give all the background info on the individual in a grandiose way, also has a tragic backstory with the death of his father. Has a mutual liking with Alien Police officer Immorta, and is both rivals and good friends with Prince Vorkken who throughout the game, they fight and respect eachother, and towards the end become friends and respected rivals. That and Vorkken knows Will and Immorta like eachother. He's a leader that can be both very heroic, and very dumb in terms of coming up with One-Linears, and not reading the room when it comes to giving useless information about an individual they are meeting, usually giving excess information or repeating information about an individual the team met before. Blue calls him out on this. He's very likable and heroic.

2. Wonder Blue - Eliot Hooker - Hot headed-egotistical American detective who uses a sword to attack enemies, he has a tragic backstory where one of the villain's in the game, Vijounne (thicc and busty blue alien woman who has a helmet similar to Hella from Thor Ragnarok), killed his brother by betraying him by pretending to be an assistant and causing Blue's brother to die. He seeks revenger and usually runs head first into problems, usually causing more problems for the entire team. He butt heads with Red early on, but later become best bros after beating the shit out of eachother in a 1 v 1 fight (Similar to Dairanger Ryo vs Jin, except Jin is the blue ranger instead of as a likeable enemy rival who sadly dies). He starts off as an unlikable asshole and later grows to be a bro with Red.

3. Wonder Green - Jean-Sébastien Renault - Fat French Middle Schooler who uses a gun, and when afraid likes to yell, "MAMAN!!!" Usually gets bullied by Blue or Pink. Tends to surrender, and 100% thats because of the "FRANCE SURRENDERED FIRST" joke, very outdated joke. He can be funny both on his own and when he gets roasted. He grows in terms of... eating, but his character is mostly the fat comic relief.

4. Wonder Pink - Mariana Kretzulesco - Transylvanian High School girl who loves fashion and loves using her whip to punish her enemies. She's very hot headed when made fun of by friend or foe. She has a little-brother complex (similar to DaiRanger with the Pink Ranger Rin, being a big sister/having a little brother complex with a boy she's not related to named, Kou, the KibaRanger [White-Tiger Ranger from Power Ranger]) She also has a VERY UNHEALTHY LOVING OBESSION with the enemy-later turned friend Prince Vorkken, usually getting excited by him... existing, or planning on fighting the team. Every scene with Vorkken and Pink are funny mostly because he ignores her and she says something like, " YES I'LL GLADLY JOIN YOU! I DON'T CARE ABOUT THESE BOZOS ON MY TEAM, I LOVEEE YOU!!!"
Causing her team to look at her in dumbstruck like: "Bruh... really". She's funny, but can be a bit over obsessive and hot headed... coming across a bit unlikable. She becomes more heroic and caring, but is still hot headed, doesn't grow a lot in terms of her character.

5. Wonder Yellow - Ivan Istochnikov - Uses Hammer, and speaks like a USSR soldier... saying things like Comrads, or Motherland... a very outdated form of showing a Russian person but oh well. He's kind of absent throughout most of the game, in the sense that... he's there in scenes, but he doesn't say much. Also theres an implication that he's gay which is cool. He's very likable when he speaks, and adorable when he gets flustered, but in terms of impact you'll forget he's there.

6. Wonder White - Momoe Byakkoin - Uses claws as his weapon and is a Japanese Ryu Leader who is good at martial arts, and dresses like a ninja. He can be both very poetic and cryptic by the way he speaks, that and his speeches, or statements can stretch for long periods of time causing team members like Pink to hurry him up. He is both wise and tactical, and while he doesn't say a lot when it comes to interaction when he does speak you're captivated by him.
7. Wonder Black - Krishna Ramanujan - Uses time bombs and is Indian... the worst member in the entire game. Not once does he every say anything, and when he does he says it in the most boring monotone way possible. I get it, it's hard coming up with personalities, but choosing the unspeaking Kuudere was not a way to go. This dude legit spends time playing games and dancing rather than actually speaking. Is his ability cool? Yes, he makes bombs that STOP TIME, yet as a character, he's as interesting at paint drying.

There are also important support characters like:

Captain Laurence Nelson (originally in Will's past the original WONDER RED [Emeritus])

Alice MacGregor (Ship Controller, and Captain's Assistant, is also WONDER 107 - WONDERSCARF),

Luka (Little shit kid who has a tragic passed similar to Will Wedgewood, however after his mother's "Death" he decides to momentarily join with the bad guys because he blames CENTINALS and WONDER 100 for killing his mom. Turns out his mom didn't die, she became the last source of protection for Planet Earth. Luka realizes his mistake and later looks up to Wonder-Red. Luka and Red inspire the other members to work for a better tomorrow and who at the very end of the game becomes WONDER 101 [or 105 based on the DATABASE gallery] WONDER- GOGGLES)

Prince Vorkken - (Red's Rival who alway's calls him Blunder Red, who has a really tragic backstory involving the destruction and death of a lot of his own people and enslaving others. He's being mindcontrol by the GEATHJERK into being evil, and after having it broken he repents for his sins to both his past and to Chewgi [His right hand man who was only helping Vorkken fight because he was unbeatable at the time] in order to make things right. And he does with both Chewgi, the Guyzoch Pirates, Wonder Red, and his little sister Immorta.)

Immorta - (Alien Police officer set to help Wonderful 100 in order to stop the GEATHJERK invasion. She saves Wonderful 100 several times throughout the game and butts heads with Blue. She shares a lot of moments with Wonder Red and both towards the end of Wonderful 101 share a mutual feeling of romance to eachother.)

There are so many other members of Wonderful 101 that I'm not going to list them here, but I will acknowledge the cameo characters:

111 - Poseman (Aka Viewtiful Joe except because Capcom owns him they can't directly say it's him... but it is lol)
112 - Wonder Director (Hideki Kamiya himself, and he uses the Special PLATNIUM FOREVER ABILITY)
113 - Wonder Rodin (Rodin the bar tender from Bayonetta)
114 - Wonder Jeanne (Jeanne, Bayonetta's rival and friend)
115 - Wonder Bayonetta (Bayonetta)

The game's story is the invasion of Earth by Aliens called the GEATHJERK who want to collected the statues of Earth to destroy the planet's defenses and later annihilate Earth.
You fight in cities, ruins, Inside Vorkken's Body, a volcano, a Hydro-City, a destroyed planet, and finally in space doing mostly the same thing. You collected civilians to both save and have them become temporary heroes to help you own your journey throughout each operations. There are a total of 9 operations but in terms of levels it's 10 levels with 3 acts (called Operations A-B-C) inside each except for in OPERATION 007/Vorkken's Body which only features ACT 1 and 2 (OPERATION 007-A and 007-B)

The structure of the gameplay is essentially collecting civilians and fighting enemies throughout each stage while progressing forward. Collecting civilians is important as you can find other members of WONDER 100 in said civilians, these Wonders being the 008-100 that would take too long to mention.
Occasionally you will have to solve puzzles using character specific abilities:

1. Giant Gear needs to be turned - Fist 👊
2. Key Hole - Sword 🗡
3. Target - Gun 🔫
4. Spikes needing to be taken down, or Swinging from area to area - Whip 📈
5. A button or a crack on the ground need SMASHING - Hammer 🔨
6. Shut Tight Door or Enemy Need Opening/Climbing climbable walls- Claws 🦞
7. Object Coming in too fast and needs to be slowed down- Bomb 💣

There are so many combinations you can do with the group of people you have in your arsenal, that it makes the game feel very unique and yet similar to Pikimin except you attack as a single unit.
You have different morph options that you can use the touch screen or right thumbstick to make like:

1. Fist 👊 - Draw a cruvy line (line will become red🔴)
2. Sword 🗡 - Draw a straight line (line will become blue🔵)
3. Gun🔫 - Draw a straight line that turns sideways left or right (line will become green🟢)
4. Whip📈- Draw a swiggly line going forward (line will become pink💗)
5. Hammer 🔨- Draw a straight line and at the end curve a circle (line will become yellow🟡)
6. Claw🦞- Draw a Z shape (line will become white⚪️)
7. Bomb💣- Draw a complete circle then a straight line after connecting the circle (line will become purple🟣).
8. Goggles🥽- Draw infinity symbol (line will become a bright orange)
9. Bow🏹- Draw a heart shape (line will become a light pink💗)
10. Glider🪂- Draw a Triangle (line will become rainbow colored🌈)
11. Naginata🌟- Draw a straight line - pause - then continue drawing (if done correctly, line should become a dark orange/brown🟤)
12. Drill🐚- Draw a spiral (line should become red🔴)
13. Boomerang 🪃- Draw a straight line - pause - turn right or left and make a straight line going right or left, similar to making a gun but after the straight line, pause then turn (line should become purple🟣).
14. BIG 🅱️ - Draw a letter B (line should become a rainbow🌈)
15. WONDER FOREVER - Draw a Letter W (line should become a rainbow🌈)
16. PLATINUM FOREVER - Draw a Letter P (line should become a rainbow🌈)

You face various bosses throughout Wonderful 101, that are very fun to fight but can also be very tedious and annoying. The game uses a battery system to make you understand how much power or energy consumption is used when using a morph.
The villains are very over the top, and have great designs and fights: however some fights are certainly better than others.

The bosses include:

1. Laambo - Murder of Will's Father, you fight him while he's using his giant robot dragon
2. Wanna - Flies in a UFO and uses his giant space ship that acts like an Egg to unleash his Dragon-Like Robot with buzzsaws for hands.
3. Vijounne - Blue's brother murder, you fight her while she's inside her giant octopus... and considering her sexy design, I 100% believe the developers knew what they were doing lol.
4. Walltha - Brother of Laambo, you fight him in a very janky and unfun PUNCH-OUT STYLE boss fight where you beat the crap out of his giant Tiki-Head Robot, and later go inside the robot and kill him. Then escape by having him drown in Lava.
5. Gimme - an evil robot alien dude who Like Waltha uses a giant robot to fight you, and you have to again fight in a PUNCHOUT style fight.
6. Jergingha - The true final boss who has 3 stages to his fight. He starts off as a giant brain (Metroid much huh), and later uses a Wonder Mask to become WONDER-Jergingha who has the ability to use giant Wonder Punches and Lasers. And his final form Planet Destruction Jergingha who uses barriers to defend himself, and later uses a destruction beam to attempt to destroy the planet, where you have to SPAM A/X in order to push back the beam destroying him once and for all.

Boss fights after having all their health drained end with the heroes doing quick time events that essentially tell you what you have to drawn in order to progress/kill the boss, giving you epic visuals and amazing music to accompany it, though I wish the music was cooler rather than attempting to sound heroic 24/7, it would be cool for some more diverse and cooler sounding songs.

The story reveals that the GEATHJERK are from the future attempting to stop humans from becoming evil in the future as CENITINALS and the WONDER 100 have become evil apparently, though instead of course correcting history for the better, they decide, "HUMANITY MUST BE PURGED AND DESTROYED!"
And this results in WONDERFUL 100 destroying Jergingha and the GEATHJERK. The game ends with Wonderful 100 attempting to create a better future in order for the future GEATHJERK to never return and to make sure they set humanity towards the right path.
The game ends the way it started, as in the beginning you start as Will Wedgeworth as a teacher protecting his class in a school bus, getting them to safety and later becoming Wonder Red, meeting Blue and saving the Bus before it crashes into a school. At the end it does the same thing except it shows Luka become WONDER GOGGLES and do the same thing as red, as it ends with the WONDERFUL 101 preparing to fight enemies similar to the beginning of the game.

Overall the game starts very tedious and you might think... "WOW THIS STARTS REALLY BAD, WHY IS THERE SO MANY TUTORIALS, WHY IS DRAWING SO HARD? WTF IS THE STORY? WOW BLUE IS AN ASS!" But if you stick around it, you'll realize that it's an enjoyable unique experience that I recommend you all to play.

I will say not a fan of the camera angle and the secondary small screen that can be toggled via the (-) button as it's very faded and tacked on. Add on to the fact that while combat can be fun using the different morphs, it gets really annoying when your team gets hit really easily by enemies. A big issue is how long the game can go on for per levels. The game sometimes felt like a chore to play. Also I get the GEATHJERK are attempting to stop humanity from becoming evil in the future but when you think about it, they could've just told CENTINELS and WONDERFUL 100 that they need to stop from becoming evil. That and Luka's character is just annoying little brat shit who doesn't realize he's about to destroy the world over a misunderstanding, however he does redeem himself a bit towards the end. Also a straight up bad decision was the PLATINUM ROBO part, in terms of having a cool mech like SUPER SENTAI it makes sense to have a giant robot, but it's a bit of ego stroking to Platinum games, like I get they made the game, but it's like the game is saying, "PLATINUM GAMES SAVED THE DAY" would've made more sense to call it the WONDER ROBO and not have the Platinum games P and instead have the WONDER W on it.
So these issues cause a drop of 1 star.

Anyway a great unique game with an average story, with likable characters, average music, fun boss fights and QTEs, and a lot of heroes.

TLDR: Good game, characters, music and story are ok/meh, Luka's a little shit who gets better, Blue's an asshole who gets better, Immorta's Best girl. And Platinum Robo seems like a Platinum games ego stroke.
4/5 Stars. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Reviewed on Dec 09, 2022
