12 reviews liked by Heyoine

Third game beaten of 2024 and its the third game in the series ? what a coincidence. anyways i feel like the game is overrated though tbh i played the other mgs games before this one ( including 5 , peace walker , portable ops ) so it didnt really do much for me. OST is 10/10. Story is alright thought the amount of cutscenes is down right offensive and they just get spammed. MGS games follow a formula : get to base, do that , fight boss , cutscenes , torture scene , bike chase , metal gear fight , info dump and final boss. This one follows it to a T, but with obviously expanded segments. I like the clear inspiration from 60s media, especially from russia with love. All in all, Big Boss deserved better - both in lore and from konami.

Fun gameplay, the peak of the story is from ch 7 to 14 i believe, the only small irk i have with this game is that you get many good units and not enough slots to deploy them on some situations, so having to pick units can feel awkward, this is notorious on midgame, played it on lunatic only and the difficulty is hard but not unfair

I went into this thinking it'll be a generic "dating vn", but I found out I was completely wrong, the effort put into a game that's literally free is astounding. I've currently completed 3 of the routes Emi, Lily and Rin. Each route has their own strength as they're all written/drawn by completely different people. Each girl have widely different personalities and goals that they wanna achieve the biggest takeaway from this game was despite them all being "disabled" in a way their problems are still that of the everyday person.
If you want a break from le generic dating vns/sims, I highly recommend this to you all.

An amazing metroidvania. A unique power system with the souls , plenty of exploration and fun stuff to do. There are some cheap moments in the game but all in all its great. Would recommend.

The thing that impresses me the most about this game is how it manages to continuously feel different and unique despite the incredibly simplistic controls.

I'm familiar with the whole introduce thing and then play with thing more later in the stage formula that platformers do all the time but I'm not sure if I've ever played one that consistently has ideas that change up how the level goes this much without feeling gimmicky or detracting from the core gameplay. The final world in particular, the one I'd consider the best, managed to juggle being somewhat challenging, unique to itself, and being just straight up good.

There's more to talk about the level design with the whole secrets and stuff, but honestly, that part of the game doesn't especially appeal to me. If I spotted something I'd go for it, and it doesn't detract from the experience at all, just not something I put much time into and therefore don't feel like I could say much about even if I cared about it.

The bosses were pretty generic for a platformer, not to say they're bad, just kind of there most of the time. The last two bosses in the game I thought were pretty neat though, for what that's worth.

By the time I was at the end of this one I was upset it was over so fast.

A sufficiently enjoyable time, yet it pales in comparison to the atmosphere of the original release. This is remake is fun but forgettable and cursed to always be compared (justifiably) to it's original predecessor.

This game handles multiple playable characters better than any other Classic Megaman game in my opinion. The difference between Rock and Roll is big enough to where you feel like the choice is important and you'll have a preference but not so big that you'll go into some levels thinking you made the wrong choice or having one character be substantially easier/harder than the other. Outside of the character split I found the levels and boss designs to be not amazing or anything, but perfectly fine. It's a Megaman game so it's inherently fun regardless.
Definitely a good fangame, prefer it over quite a few official titles.

It's really something how they managed to make the series this bad following X4, but they did it. The flaws in this one are somewhat from mechanical issues (like having to game over yourself multiple times before being able to get parts) but mainly it's just that the level design isn't very good here. Some levels are cool (specifically I like Axle the Red's) but a lot of them are just boring. The worst is definitely Duff McWhalen, but it's not like others are off the hook (Skiver) and just in general the most the level design does here is let you move around as X or Zero, which is nice I guess, but it makes me want more.

This game is very story focused but the gameplay is good enough to keep immersion steady throughout the time you play it. Great start for a great series.

This is by far the hardest souls game for me fume knight killed me far too many times, the story and atmosphere is similar to that of 1 good.