109 reviews liked by Invader_9_Gamer



One of the ONLY 2 games that ever left me speechless

The game that would make mascot horror skyrocket and forever change the industry.

FNaF 1 is an amazing game. It is fun, simple and scary. Even traditional horror fans that prefer games like Silent Hill and Resident Evil can find some enjoyment here, I believe. Of course it relies on jumpscares more than anything to scare the player, but many elements contribute to the game's success as an horror title. The atmosphere, sound design, claustrophobic feeling the game gives off are just little pieces of a much bigger puzzle.

The magnum opus of the Smash series and it will stay that way. Competitive wise, it is disappointing. Casual wise, objectively the best in the series.

This game is the definition of overhated like it’s fine

I wish successful series were allowed to end once they reached a proper conclusion

Aesthetically great but I'll probably never finish it.

i don't recommend playing this game next to anyone. you will traumatize them.

1 list liked by Invader_9_Gamer