Extremely relaxing and fun. Currently playing it on and off.

Great game. So much fun to play with friends, and you can easily sink hundreds of hours into it. I recommend this a lot.

Tried refunding but Steam said I was over the 2 week limit. This game is awful. Slow combat, enemies take too many hits, boring puzzles, and an uninteresting story. I don't like this game. Probably one of the worst games I've played.

Awful Camera. Awful Controls. Great atmosphere though.

Horrible combat with bosses with special attacks that will hit you no matter what. So many unfair deaths caused me to abandon this game, which makes me so upset because I was enjoying the story.

Great art. Horrible level design.

I know there's some deep symbolism here, but I just don't care. I keep getting lost, and I'm just not having a good time. It's probably good, and I may try it again soon but for now, it's been dropped.

Fun for a bit. Got repetitive and pay to win fast.

It's the only game that's too hard for me that I've played. I can't enjoy this.

You have to spend so much money just to keep up. Seriously, stay away from this.

Boring world. Too much grinding. Lame story. This game is awful.

Stupid difficulty, overly long stages, and horrible level design make this easily one of the worst games I have ever played. Mega Man x6 is garbage. Do not play this game ever. One stage in this game took me 27 minutes to complete because of how much I died and had to reset. The checkpoints in this game were the only things that made me continue, but I eventually lost it once I got to a stage that had less checkpoints. I hate this game so much.

Ugh fuck this game. No sense of direction whatsoever and everything looks the exact same.