It's not the sort of adventure I'd have liked, but really any excuse to spend more time with this gameplay is cool by me. I still reckon these mechanics would be perfect for a 3rd person Metroid.

Also (and this is not just limited to Side Order) it's very funny how much more interesting and fun Splatoon bosses are than anything I fought in a couple hundred hours of Elden Ring :)

Back in the day when I had a big tower PC on a corner shelving unit in my room, bed to my left and combi VHS TV to my right, I'd have loved this.

It's got that brilliantly heavy chunky hammering-enemies-into-paste feel that Prodeus had, but also like that one it's something you'll forget the moment you switch it off.

Was expecting Team Hoshido to change the game up a bit, but they're basically a cosmetic skin. I already played dozens of hours of Awakening, I don't fancy doing it all again.

I'm clearly completely ignorant of whatever this is trying to conjure, because I'm getting nothing here.

If anything, I feel like it's not abstract enough? A humanoid, running and jumping and locking-on and shooting, just seems like a pretty mundane way to interact with these spaces.

Go play Car Quest instead.

Really enjoyed what I played of 4, gave this a go and it's more of the same. Five games in WW2 now eh? Why not take this formula into SPACE? Gimme x-ray slo-mo alien disintegrations! Gimme zero-gravity hide and seek! Gimme explosions that send things hurtling into the void for all eternity!

Looks and sounds pretty rad, and the skating is great (when the camera isn't flipping around and killing your momentum), but following a trail of breadcrumbs while the main character simultaneously patronises themselves and you is just not my idea of fun :/

Also the combat is completely unnecessary, wish they'd been brave enough to strip it out completely.

Also also tiny text and no resize option.

Okay I'm done.

Really wanted to love it, after having a good time with the first some years back, but it's just so...nothing. Same shit, duller characters. Barely any challenge once I'd found a few tactics that seemingly worked for everything. A bore. A shame!

Little masterpiece right here, every aspect is outstanding, exquisitely crafted stuff. Wonderful art style, and those animations! Characters you just can't get enough of. Get a stylus and some headphones and curl up under a blanket and solve a cracking mystery. Go on!

What do you despise? By this are you truly known.

I despise a miniscule and unresizeable UI.

Metroid 🤝 Metal Gear
Walking so sequels can run

A beautiful little world, a unique identity, a long string of surprises. This is videogames, to me. And that feeling you get from just whizzing about the place...magic.

When I finished it and went back to playing Sekiro, I instinctively jumped off a roof and tapped R1, and then did a little sigh when I didn't fly.

Played this for a bit and got to New York and found it a huge pain in the ass to navigate. There's some early map changes that made me go "oh that's cool" but is it? Is it really cool? Or is it just changes for the sake of making changes? Yes. That one.

New York is a mess. Had a quick look on here and the reviews are telling me there's more crap to come. I'll stick with my buggy original ta.