I didn't know this game even existed until this year. I watched a video about it and was completely hooked on wanting to play it for myself. Now that I have I can safely say this is one of my favorite games I've played. Everything about it is just so much of what I love.

The story alone blew me away. Even with having been spoiled on a large chunk of it from the video I watched I still was enthralled with everything. The characters all get great development. There's a lot I want to say but honestly I dont wanna spoil it at all for anyone. I feel it's truly best experienced on your own. I can't imagine how much more I would've been in love with it had I played this fully blind.

The gameplay is great and although simple at first gains some more depth by the second half. The biggest complaint I have is just the fact that there's no challenge to any fights. But I think the fast pacing and how often new environments and mechanics are introduced helps mitigate that issue at least a little.

There's so much I could talk about but really all I have to say... play this. Your only way is to emulate it unless you really wanna spend a couple hundred on a copy. But either way this is an amazing gem that sadly never got the recognition it deserved. I would love for another game to try at the ideas introduced here, and to get more of the amazing world that was developed throughout the narrative. Hopefully I can get some of that when I give Fuga a try.

Reviewed on Apr 06, 2023

1 Comment

1 year ago

Oh nice, this looks cute I'll give it a look thanks!