Demon Turf brings together a lot of good ideas inspired by the games who made the genre, using sort of a 3d world/crash 2 structure, with 4 words that have each it's own theme and movement upgrades wich makes going trough the game always a blast.

While the performance and making you play basically all levels twice for the final boss are a problem, they're still not enough to take from this game ever so satisfying sense of movement, even if you drop it at some point, it's still worth your time.

No Jim, for the millionth time i DON'T care about your uncle, nor does anybody really, you're not that good at convincing people at all

Playing TTYD today was kinda of the most surprised i was with a "retro" game, because even the ones i truly adored had some sort of thing that the time made it worse, in this one, even almost 20 years later, that is not true, Paper Mario TTYD is a true masterpiece even you are playing it today and that speaks for itself.

Is hard to know how to even start describing this game, everything is so on point, it's so creative and overflowing with personality all over the place , all your companions have great narratives, all the places have great story, there are tons and tons of different things happening, the peach and tek parts are wonderful, playing as bowser is so much fun, i laugh so many times with the smart anecdotes and forth wally stuff, such great writing. If 64 was great this one ups a level with everything and everyone being useful, helpful and fun.

Even the combat, that for me is always a drag as a jrpg, got better because of it's community, because they love it so much that the message of a fun way to play the game got to me, i did the so called "Danger Mario" and boy oh boy was fun to one shot every single one of the final bosses, no need to take turns if you're overpowered as heck.

it's a shame nintendo cut down on the series personality, but hey, you can still play this one today as a new one and you'll get the best experience in the same way as 20 years ago.

Muder by numbers is a great idea that falls a little short, because all of it's character construction and narrative building gets kinda throw away by the unnecessary number of picross to solve, and how they're from the beginning on the harder and longer side, don't get me wrong i love me some picross, but here they ended up so prevalent and long that makes you forget the rest of the game.

Still, it's a great game to start and have some fun with crosses, even if you eventually drop it, also scout is great.

Lunistice can be defined by "head empty, no thoughts, just jumping arround", is a cozy 3d platformer that has simple but well executed idea that makes cruising trough this game a pleasant experience, inspired by the likes of Celeste and A hat in time is for sure a good recommendation and a short experience worth your time.

A great take on the whodnuit(you) genre that is rarely seen on games, on a quick narrative that is easily repeatable until you are satisfied with the ending you get, unfortunately for me i got one right away but came back to make chaos happen after.

Violet, as was arceus, is full of half baked good ideas, while it does have ways to modernize the pokemon formula those are clearly undermined by the short development time and the need to release the game byannualy.

Even with that it has some of the good changes from arceus, while missing the better ones, making for a fun time if you're able to overlook the various and various glitchs and not finished assets. In the end, it's fun to catch' em all, and what could have been a great step forward given the correct time, ends up becoming just another pokemon game.

As someone who never played point e click adventures it was nice to see how this game trasnformed and broguht the medium to modern days, being easily playable on controller and with an amazing tip book that leaves all those nonsensical puzzles on the past.
As for the game it had a great cast of characters, some good puzles, an interesting narrative with a weird ending but that doesn't takes away from the experience as a whole, it sure is worth your time.

In a project only possible because of gamepass, pentiment is wacky, it's weird, it's unique and possibly one of the best written game ever made. It's just that, as a guest for this ride you get to make some decisions, meet a great roster of characters and ride along to see what happened on this little town on the middle ages.
Pentiment is a great tale, even if you like me isn't that keen on narrative driven games, be sure to give this one a try.

This game was the surprise of the year for me, of course i never doubted Second Dinner teams capacity for making a great card game, however, making completely free to play experience, that introduces you to new mechanics and cards in a brilliant way, while being small enough and with so many fun variations and mechanic, adding the marvel layer of known characters and the great additions of artists cards makes for such a fast paced fun experience that really i don't even care if i lose, i'm there for the experience, being able to learn from past experience (hearthstone) and improve on basically everything is incredible, curious to see what is next for marvel snap

Low fi rhythm heaven beats to dream to

A little to the left aplys it's ideas at just the right time, they present a puzzle, than iterate over it and then move on to the next one whiteout overstating it's welcome, it's brilliantly done.
It's a joyfull and comfy ride that leaves you wanting more, and also wanting more cat cameos to pet

Chicory was the best surprise i had in a game in a while, while in the surface it looked like a game about painting, it is so much more than that, and as Chicory herself would say "there's no only one way to do things" and there's no one way to play chicory.
For starters yes chicory is a game about painting, however, you don't need to interact with it at all if it's not your thing, the act of painting is used for a lot of things and the black and white scenarios are still great.
It is actually a great puzzle game! You use your brush in the most diverse of ways to interact and solve puzzles throughout the experience , and as with the painting if you aren't good with puzzles, that's fine, you have phone calls to call your mom and dad and they will tell you how to proceed in the most adorable way.
And my lord the soundtrack, it makes all of that work, Lana Raine yet again achieved greatness, from the menu, to the citys, to the amazing boss fights and incredible duets tones, it's incredible to see a soundtrack just as good as Celeste's.

In the end, more than all of that, chicory is a game about it's character's, about you (in my case Pizza!) and chicory, about how you don't need to do everything by yourself and you shouldn't push yourself just because someone says so, it's narrative accomplishes brilliantly what it goes for, and that alone is a reason to play this game, even if you don't like all of the rest, chicory is just THAT accessible, don't miss out like i almost did.