not morally egregious per se but rather a depressing culmination of a decade's worth of design trickery and (d)evolving cultural/social tastes and otherwise exists as insipid twitchcore autoplaying bullshit that should come with a contractual agreement binding its devotees to never speak prejudicially about mobile games or musou ever again lest they face legally enforced financial restitution. just play nex machina man. or watch NFL. been a fun season for that. fuck the review man let's talk sports in the comments

Reviewed on Nov 16, 2022


1 year ago

Man I wanna get into NFL just to know what the fuck goes on with the games

1 year ago

you definitely learn more with time and just by sitting down and watching the games, although it helps to have people who can explain things and who you can have meaningful convos with about it. but what i like about it is that it's to me a sport that is very easy to parse from a spectator level but remains extremely cerebral once you start breaking down the things that are happening. my advice is to go in and don't get too concerned with technicalities or penalties or weird niche rules and just see if you like the flow of it

1 year ago

Let's go Mets baby. Love da Mets.

1 year ago

i want to get more into baseball next year but my concern is there are just too many damn games. very cool sport though honestly, it’s also really funny seeing the midweek games where they look bored out of their skulls and you sense like oh this guys just clocking in for his 9-5

1 year ago

Anyone here watch the F1 though

1 year ago

there's really been an explosion in F1 interest, it's neat to see. this is an outsider perspective but do you think it's because they've learned how to better leverage the narratives/drama that surfaces from it? i dont watch it personally but like as a casual wrestling fan i can see the appeal

1 year ago

Netflix's drive to survive is a lot of it as well as F1's management becoming american owned about 5 years ago now. There's also going to be 3 races in the USA next year so it's got a lot more attention across the pond. Frankly the drama at least this year is very mild considering this is the same sport that has it's best driver ever get a seat because a guy tear gassed a taxi driver in london once.

1 year ago

pissed that the this stupid fake world cup is interrupting club football but i know i’m gonna watch it anyways smh

1 year ago

@Cold_Comfort jesus christ what. also yeah guess we cant deny the power of netflix marketing

@letshugbro i'll catch a few games i think but timezone wise it's looking pretty bad for me so i dont know how many i'll see. i also can't help but admit im a bit curious about how the broader political situation will play out all things considered, just feels like it's gonna be harder to focus purely on the world cup and the competition this time around

1 year ago

@drigo michael schumacher got his seat in F1 because Jordan driver Bertrand Gachot got in a road rage altercation with a taxi driver in which he ended up using tear gas on him (which he had for some reason), ending up in jail for 2 months and leaving his seat vacated for schmacher for the belgian grand prix.

re: football i think the silver lining of this stuff is that at this stage it's looking like the world cup might be a completely embarassing disaster in terms of like, staging and stuff.

1 year ago

huge drama potential this year both in-game and outwith. it’s messi and ronaldo’s last world cup and ronaldo decided to blow up his entire career and legacy right before hopping on the jet to qatar….. plus you have insane shit emerging already like the government forcing indian construction workers to LARP as england and germany fans in exchange for the return of their passports. this shit is gonna blow cyberpunk 2077 outta the fuckin water

1 year ago

Best sport by far: championship-level Arm Wrestling

1 year ago

holy shit that last point...absolutely mental, this might be a total disaster, in agreement w Cold on this. hopefully it's an opportunity for intense reevaluation but also lol sports and accountability. also yeah i saw the ronaldo interview too, wild shit to just dump out in the open

1 year ago

Welcome to the Premier League, baby

1 year ago

incredibly fucked how the saluting emoji doesnt work on here

1 year ago

i've been happy with the performance that the football team I support (flamengo from brazil) had this year but I'm still very worried about this world cup. i'll be very happy if messi wins anyway, what about u guys

1 year ago

i could definitely rock with a messi win. ive never had a national team to support really bc nicaragua has never qualified and i don’t really get up in arms over canada so i might throw my hat in for brazil, hoping u guys do well. the alternative is rooting for costa rica and id rather die than do that

1 year ago

I just want wales to not get embarassed

1 year ago

Baseball can be a bit difficult to keep up with since your team could have a game 5-6 days a week. Over time I've broadened out instead, watching highlights or catching some of a game on TV while I'm eating. If sticking to one team isn't too important for you MLB started airing a game a week live on youtube a few years back so you can try and catch those. Also really like how they've started micing up a player or two for some games, lets you see how much fun the guys are having when they play.

1 year ago

i want wales to fuck up england

1 year ago

Only thing i really know about baseball is the Jon Bois/Alex Rubenstein Seattle Mariners documentary which is absolutely amazing and i am certain is way more fun than actually watching baseball

1 year ago

That doc absolutely rules, If you haven't seen them yet Cold you should check out the other Secret Base Dorktown stuff like The Bob Emergency, the Dave Stieb series, The People You're Paying to be in Shorts, and How to Score 10 Runs in the First Inning and Lose

1 year ago

But basically all Secret Base Dorktown stuff is worth watching

1 year ago

used to be a huge american football fan as a kid and then sorta fell off. been trying to get into hockey because my new roommate is really into it but I've found it's hard to get acquainted with all of the nuanced strategy and long-standing metahistory of the NHL. for football I have the benefit of my dad + going to church in the south for 20 years to have a sort of understanding of the sport and history of individual players you can only get from cultural osmosis... don't really have that for hockey. plus if the 'canes are losing by the third period my roommate will get upset and turn it off, and I'm not gonna turn it on to watch it alone LOL

also hearing positive stuff on jon bois' documentary work on here is cool, I've followed that guy absent-mindedly on twitter for years bcs I thought he was funny but maybe I should go ahead and dig into his work

1 year ago

to your point Cold, one thing i would say is if you like the documentary i think you would like the sport? i just mean in the sense that like, stats, analysis, narrative/history etc are all big reasons people sustain their enjoyment of watching any given sport and i think you might be surprised if you watched a few baseball games and found it engaging bc of it

appreciated the advice DustyVita! team loyalty is unfortunately kind of important to me just bc it’s an easy way to get into a sport and stay invested but id for sure have to break out of the mentality of ‘i gotta watch everything this team does’ just bc it plagues me and is literally impossible with MLB. but i guess itd be easier to just watch highlights after the fact and watch a weekly game in its place or something…

@Pangburn canadian here and ive only watched one full NHL game for much the same reason, no one in my family was interested and a lot of the hockey kids i knew were kind of freaks and drove me away from general interest in the sport. it’s still neat though don’t get me wrong, but i might have to get onboard later in life. your roommate sounds weak btw, gotta let the bad games rock - you never know when your team might come back from nothing. what was your NFL team back in the day?

1 year ago

I followed the nfl and nhl for a streak in my teen years but whenever they took away my home team (rams ;_;) I just decided to stick with hockey. And I really love it even though it's got a lot of oddities and obvious issues.

love the vibes of the live games I've been to but frankly it's 3-4x easier to watch with commentary, and luckily the pbp/color commentators the blues have are probably the best the league (at least english, wouldn't know about francais)

1 year ago

‘i gotta watch everything this team does’

Literally me but with wrestling, I was so exhausted ending to watch the entirety of the (honestly shit) Attitude Era through Monday Night Raw and I still had 10+ years to watch and have the full picture (and loved a good chunk of the alumni). At that point I just accepted life is finite and just watch the supposedly big/obscure matches I want.

1 year ago

also as a former child the new era of wrestling has been so tempting to get into but it's also daunting. Have almost said "fuck it" several times and found a vintage puroresu card like 90s NJC and put it on to rekindle it but haven't...

1 year ago

Always a pleasure to find a new AJPW/NJPW old smackdown were Gaijin stand, those Stan Hansen 5 stars man