Fallout 4 is the only Fallout game I've played to completion, so I thought it was about time I go back and play the older titles before replaying it, at least the modern ones. I'm sure Fallout 1 and Fallout 2 are incredible games, but I grew up on PS2 games and I'm really not used to game design from that era, so I would not have had a fun time.

So, Fallout 3. It's...good! I've seen countless video essays and read hundreds of opinion pieces on this game and how it completely ruined everything Fallout is and...I don't know. I mean, I agree with plenty of the points people make but I had a good amount of fun at the end of the day and the game scratched my WRPG itch. Like most of Bethesda's other games (that I've played), it's nothing special but it's damn good comfort food. I was surprised by how mediocre the story was, though. Not because I was expecting it to be great but because people (rightfully) shit on Fallout 4’s story so much that I thought 3’s must be a lot better but I found it to be as much of a hot mess. Could be that people were comparing it to the first two games or New Vegas (which I’m playing right now and uh oh, I don’t think the story in that one is all that great either).

Also, I managed to platinum this game on PS3 without any issues or major bugs whatsoever so I either got insanely lucky or the game was patched to hell and back, because I’ve heard horror stories from plenty of people.

Reviewed on Sep 28, 2022
