This will be my only half rating ever.

I really really wanna give it 5 stars but the "every weapon but the knife sucks ass and if the RNG decides to toss a non knife weapon at you then you're fucked until the game decides to give you your knife back" problem happens too consistently for it to not be a major problem.

When I got the knife it feels like I'm playing a fantastic action platformer. When I don't have the knife I feel like I'm playing a completely different much worse game.

EDIT: It took a while but I have finally opened myself up to weapon switching upgrade. I have also learned the qualities of other weapons besides the knife, as such my biggest issues with this game have been mostly solved. No longer a half rating.

Reviewed on Nov 03, 2021

1 Comment

2 years ago

boggles my mind that this is still an issue with these games. like, surely they are aware, right? i just cant imagine this huge issue slipped them by. this has to be an intentional choice, but what is gained from it?

it's fucked up because one of the later upgrades not only makes it so that you dont instantly lose the dagger upon picking up another weapon but also allows you to switch to the non-dagger weapons in the (very) few situations where they're actually viable without having to worry about getting the dagger back. like, why is that not just the way it is by default??